

司祭 ケビン・シーバー
2011年7月31日・10時30分 聖餐式 





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  • 少しでも、あなたが被災者への支援に協力しなさい。
  • わずかの間でも、あなたがこの子供たちをトコトン可愛がってあげなさい。
  • 死を怖がっているおかあさんに、あなたは自分が抱いている望みを語ってあげなさい。
  • ホームレスの問題を知ったあなたが、それを心に留めておきなさい。
  • 落ち込んでいる旦那さんのそばに、あなたが黙っていてでも、居続けなさい、と







kingdom justice

"The phrase ‘social justice’ can be loaded. To some people it is a political or a liberal conversation, but to me, it is a Kingdom conversation. There are people behind these stories and statistics, and God’s heart for justice burns on their behalf."


Sara Groves, Catholic singer/songwriter


surely a day will come...

...when at first a relatively small group of people, and then a society, and then the human race will wake up and realize with horror the true worth of all our money. Which is, virtually zero.

I saw an ad on the train for "the power of banking inside your mobile phone." It seems your phone will become both your debit card and your online account management hardware.

The idea isn't entirely new in Japan, but for some reason it made me uneasy. I mean, soon, nobody will carry cash (and Japan has never had personal checques), and we will no longer even have credit cards. We'll just have our regular old mobile phones = portable multimedia centers, connected to some server somewhere which records that we have X number of points, which happen to be called "yen."

It made sense when we exchanged cows and turnips and daughters. Things that had intrinsic value which you could touch (although touch my daughter and see how long you keep breathing).

It still made sense when we bartered "services rendered"--I help you dig a well, you help me invade the hamlet across the valley.

But then somewhere along the line, we made this huge leap from Things Which Are Obviously Useful For Living over to shells and pretty stones.

(And how did that happen, anyway? I mean, at some point, some guy must have taken, say, a dozen eggs from his neighbor's barn and said, "Right, here's your baubles" and yet DIDN'T get his face pounded into the mud. Instead, the neighbor must've said, "Baubles? Great! I think I'll just pop out and get that new pair of snowshoes for the Missus!" And, voila! Economy was born?!?)

But with the shift from real goods and services to symbolic CURRENCY, it seems to me that human civilization basically ran off the edge of the cliff, and as soon as we look down and realize there's no ground under our feet, we're going to start dropping. Fast.

Shiney metal disks engraved with intricate designs. Rectangular sheets of specialty paper with--oh! a watermark! A plastic card with your name embossed on it in, check it out, gold letters... If you squint real hard you can still sort of pretend that these contain value or represent something, I don't know, real.

All modern societies literally depend on your continued gullibility.

But points stored on your mobile phone? Just like points stored from your last Donkey Kong game. And the difference is...?

How long before that light bulb goes off?

where we can encounter Jesus (Matt 25:31-46)

Evening Prayer at St. Luke's Chapel, July 21, 2011 (translated from Japanese)

Joshua challenges us to "choose this day whom you will serve"—either the true, living God or everything else that we take to be gods. Take your pick, he says.

Well, to jump to the end of a long and dynamic sermon, you should choose to serve God. Because God is the One who made you and loves you and can give you abundant life. And all the other gods, in the end, give you absolutely nothing.

But that's not where I want to go this evening. I'd like to simply take as given that choosing to serve God is a good thing, in fact, the most important thing we can do with our lives. More specifically, serving Jesus is the most important thing we can do with our lives, because Jesus is the face of the God who loves us.

But I want to think about the question, How? How do we serve Jesus? Do we sacrifice virgins? Do we go on jihad? Do we put little sake jars in front of our Jesus shrine? Do we throw a big wad of cash in the offertory box?

Well, Jesus tells us how to serve Him:
"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me." (Matt 25:40)

So we serve Jesus by serving those who need our help.

Incidentally, this is one of the things the 19th century German philosopher Nietzsche hated about Christianity: Its sentimental attempt to serve the least, the last, and the lost. In a world where the fittest survive, Nietzsche thought, Christians actually go against nature by showing compassion to the "losers," the weak and those who are made weak in society.

Well, few people have the cajones to say it as clearly, or the intellect to say it as forcefully as Nietzsche, but certainly the spirit of Nietzsche is alive and well in, say, the hearts of government bureaucracies.

Last week, I visited a free clinic down in Sanya (an area along the Sumida River near Minami Senju). I spent the morning at the clinic and the afternoon delivering food to the guys who live in blue-sheet tents along the river.

Currently, there are less than two dozen tents out there. There used to be about 300. When I asked why the decline, they told me "it's because Tokyo Sky Tree got built, and you can see the tents from the observation deck."

So I guess if you can't see it, it's not there. Only civil servants and toddlers think that way.

But I don't want to pick on apparatchiks. Nietzsche was simply giving expression to something that actually lies in every human heart: a basic lack of interest in the plight of my neighbor.

From time to time, this lack of interest changes into outright hatred. Usually that happens when the plight of my neighbor starts to impinge on my life.

Just this morning, I was at Asakusa St. John's (a church which runs a Sunday food bank operation). Today, they distributed over 600 hundred rice lunches. They started at 9:30 and ended at 9:50. Just about 20 minutes.

There were heaps of volunteers there to make absolutely sure that there is no littering, no loitering, no wandering around, no urinating, no sleeping. The men (and a few women) are led from a major avenue to the church, and back to a major avenue again.

But even all of that is not enough, of course. Some of the neighbors are outraged at the simple fact that these homeless men so much as enter their airspace. The only thing that will satisfy the neighbors is to go back to their former state of total disinterest as soon as possible.

Well, Nietzsche would be very proud of that neighborhood! Jesus, maybe not so much.

I think, as followers of Jesus, as the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16) grows within us by the power of the Holy Spirit, we gradually tend to turn our eyes to the poor and the weak, just as Jesus did.

At first, our compassion might be simple obedience to Jesus' command to "love your neighbor." But then I think, by the outworking of grace, we actually begin to love the people Jesus loves, little by little.

Furthermore, what we find in the act of serving those who need our help, is that in some mysterious way we are encountering Jesus himself:
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." (Matt 25:35-36)

When I was in seminary in the States, one of my teachers was a former Benedictine monk and priest. Fr. Dyer served for a short period of time with the Sisters of Charity in Calcutta. He used to talk about that experience in class.

One day, Fr. Dyer was sent out with a Sister who was a former doctor, to take care of people who had fallen by the roadside. They met all sorts of people, but that day a man with advanced leprosy saw Fr. Dyer's collar and began to implore him: "Father, lay hands on me and pray for me!"

The man's disease was pretty advanced. His nose and ears were gone, and his head was covered with boils and scales. Fr. Dyer panicked, worrying about contracting leprosy. He asked the Sister for advice. "Sister, what should I do? Is it okay to touch him?"

The Sister responded calmly: "What would Jesus do?"

"No, Sister," Fr. Dyer said, "I'm asking your medical opinion."

"Out here, I'm not a doctor. I'm a sister. And what do you think Jesus would do?"

Knowing what the answer was, Fr. Dyer swallowed his uneasiness and put his trembling hands on the man's blistered head and began praying.

As soon as he touched the man, Fr. Dyer said he felt an overwhelming warmth. And the face of the man in front of him began to shine. And Fr. Dyer had the strong sense that he was actually touching Jesus Christ.

In that moment, Fr. Dyer said he felt the presence of Jesus more powerfully than anything he had ever felt before or since.

I think that's an amazing story. I also think that not many of us will ever have such a clear experience of grace like that. But I do believe that there is something going on when we reach out in service to those who need help.

I felt that in my trip to Sanya last week. I can't really explain the feeling. I felt happy simply to be there, with the homeless guys, breathing the same air.

I think Christ is somehow present when we serve those who need help. It has nothing to do with whether or not the other person is holy or innocent. It's just that Jesus is somehow present with them. Just as during His ministry in Israel, Jesus is most at home with those who have the most need of God.

So if you want to encounter Jesus, we know at least two places He is sure to be. One is among those who are weak and small. And the other is in the Eucharist, where Jesus becomes weak and small for our sakes.

Let us go to meet Jesus in both places as often as we can. To those that do, Jesus promises that they ARE already blessed now and WILL BE blessed forever, in the kingdom of our heavenly Father.


聖路加チャペル 夕の礼拝 2011年7月24日






今日考えたいのは、どうやって?どうやってイエスに仕えることができるのか、という問題です。祭壇の上に処女を生け贄としてささげべきか?ジハードを実行すべきか?イエス像の前に小さいOne Cup酒のビンを置くべきか?賽銭箱に札束を投げ落とすべきか?
































satay chicken butter masala kebobs?

Taking a cue from my lovely friend Anne Kennedy, I tried a new dish last night.

Whenever I make anything at home, the towering question is: Will Augustine like it?

It goes without saying that the answer is "no." My middle child HATES all food that isn't already on his Tested and Approved Dishes (Preferrably Made by Mama) List, which contains about four items. So trying to get him to eat anything new always ends up making me feel like the White Witch forcing her reindeer driven sledge onward through deep mud.

Which is why I changed Anne's fish dish to a chicken dish, because, while nothing that ever even so much as glanced at the ocean is on The List, at least a dish using chicken is. Although it's a different recipe, so Augustine doesn't recognize any shared similarities. He is a Nominalist.

But the dish was not too hard to make and kind of fun:

cheap chicken, preferably Celesium-free, cut into 1-inch or so pieces
an onion, halved and quartered
red pepper, cut into 1-inch or so pieces
cherry tomatoes
new potatoes (cut to size and microwaved on high for 4 min)
Krazy Salt, black pepper, garlic powder, curry powder, as desired

Imagining you're a swashbuckling ship's captain under attack by hoarde of scurvy-dog pirates, run the wooden skewers (which I forgot to soak in water beforehand) through the above foods in whatever combination you like.

But avoid putting the cherry toms at the very tip because they'll slide off when cooked, especially if you're still swordfighting. Although I have to say, the squishy plop of a well-broiled cherry tomato onto the floor does add a touch of grotesque realism to the shipboard battle scenario.

Line up loaded skewers on a baking rack (on top of a foil lined tray for easy cleanup!). Drizzle olive oil over each kebob, and sprinkle with Krazy Salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and curry powder, as desired.

Broil on high heat for about 10 minutes, then remove the tray and cover your fingertips with microburns as you flip each kebob over. Sprinkle again with just a wee bit of Krazy Salt. Broil again on high heat until you see a distressingly large quantity of black smoke pouring out of the cracks around the oven door. (You might wish to disable the smoke detector for a short while.)

one can of cut tomatoes
one can of coconut milk
2 heaping tablespoons of peanut butter (okay, 3. Plus a little more)
"the juice of a juicy lemon," which means about 5-6 seconds of upending a bottle of lemon juice
1-2 tsp curry powder
2-3 tsp sugar, brown or otherwise

While the kebobs are broiling, dump all the above ingredients into a pan and bring to a boil. Then smooth out the mixture with an immersion blender (=hand-held puree thingy). Except that I used kind of a big pan, which meant the sauce was a little on the shallow side, and as soon as I fired up the immersion blender sauce started spewing all over the place. Very Jackson Pollock. Use either a small or a very, very deep pan.

I served with steamed (okay, microwaved) broccoli (on The List) and rice (also on The List, and, well, because we live in Japan), as well as a big plate of raw cucumber sticks served with a side of mayonnaise and Thai sweet chilli sauce.

The result? Augustine ate the kebobs, never even considered touching the sauce, and went nuts on the cucumber and chilli mayo, even though it's spicy.

Everybody else liked it all. It might even work with fish.


Having Ears to Hear (Matt 13:24-30, 36-43)

[Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, Proper 11--translated from Japanese
 St. Luke's International Hospital Chapel July 17, 2011– 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
I'm feeling the need to speak more about a Christian worldview, the background against which the Good News can really be seen as good. I also knew there would be first-time visitors at this service, a hospital employee and her daughter.]

"He who has ears, let him hear" (Matt 13:43).

That's an odd thing to say. I mean, who DOESN'T have ears? Well, I know of at least one example: My children. And never more than when the TV's on. "Time for dinner!" You can say it several times, but to no effect. No ears! Might as well be talking to a rock.

"He who has ears, let him hear."

Jesus is so desperate for us to hear and understand what He's saying. In today's reading He talks about sowers, and wheat and false wheat. What we learned last week was that Jesus Himself is the sower of the "good seed," the wheat, and the good seeds He sows are His words, His message about "the Kingdom of God"—or, you could also say, people who have accepted Jesus' message about the Kingdom.

"He who has ears, let him hear." Jesus is pleading with us to grasp the meaning of His message about the Kingdom of God—it's basically all He ever talks about. All His works of healing point to it.

And what is this "Kingdom of God," anyway? It's not a place on a map, not a political organization. I think the Kingdom of God is the heart of God lived out through human lives. The Kingdom of God is what God desires to have happen.

And what does God desire? He desires for us human beings to be happy. Is that surprising? That the Creator of the Universe would want us to be happy?

Well, it's true. God wants us to be happy. That's exactly why He made us. God certainly didn't need to make humankind. He was perfectly happy without us.

But God did create us because He wanted to shower His love on us. And because God loves us, He wants us to be happy. Don't you want the people you love to be happy? Some people say the definition of love is, in fact, to desire the other person's happiness.

And God has shown us the way to be happy. Happiness in the Kingdom is born out of responding to the love of God, offering back to God our praise and thanksgiving. Happiness is born when we serve our neighbors. Happiness comes when we give of ourselves: "It is more blessed to give than to receive," Jesus taught (Acts 20:35).

Our hearts are truly filled when they are open to God, to the abundant life He wants to give us, and open to others.

Jesus says this is what it means to be truly human. And He calls this condition the Kingdom of God. He wants us to hear and understand what He says about it.
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The problem is, there is another kind of message. It's all around us. If Jesus speaking His message about the Kingdom of God is like a sower sowing good seeds, wheat, He also tells us there is an enemy sowing "false wheat" (darnel) in the same field.

False wheat is a kind of plant that bears a close resemblance to wheat. Until the ear appears, that is. When that happens, the wheat ears are heavy, so the wheat bends down, while the false wheat still stands up straight. At that point, separation is easy.

But who is this enemy, and what is the message he is sowing? In the biblical sense, an enemy is someone who works against you, who seeks to undo your achievements and drive you into destruction.

Jesus commands us to love our personal enemies—can you imagine anything harder? To "desire the happiness" of people who seek our harm? No way! Yet that's what Jesus commands!

But Jesus tells us to be aware that there is an enemy who is also sowing seeds, also sowing a message which is different from the message about the Kingdom of God. This is God's enemy, the devil who opposes God's work, who seeks to undo and distort what God has made, that ultimately seek to destroy everything good.

The enemy's power is limited. He can't uproot the wheat. All he can do is sow bad seed right in the middle of the good. All he can do is try to spread another message, an attractive and ultimately dangerous message.

I recently read a news article about a blowhole in Hawaii. A blowhole is where many years of waves have formed a cave underneath the coastal rocks, and there's a hole on the surface. When a big wave comes in, the pressure blows sea water through the hole, high up into the air—sometimes as high as 30 meters.

There was a man who was vacationing in Hawaii with his friends. He went close to the blowhole. Someone told him not to get too close, it was dangerous. But his friends said it would be fun to try to get sprayed by the sea water coming up out of the hole.

Two messages. One negative, like a constraint, "don't." The other seemed to be fun. Exciting. Thrilling.

Unfortunately, the man got too close to the hole. A big wave came in and he lost his footing. He fell into the blow hole. And that was the last anybody ever saw of him.
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There is a kind of message that is sown in the world. Just like the false wheat bears a resemblance to real wheat, this message promises a kind of happiness that looks like real happiness but isn't.

This message goes something like this. The reason you were born into this world is not because God loves you and wanted to create you, you just happened. A coincidence. The natural chain of life.

And so, you need to take care of yourself. You need to think about yourself, look out for your own interests. Nobody else will.

There are "winners" and "losers" in the world. Make sure you're one of the "winners."

And you make your own happiness. Happiness comes from being completely free. Free from constraints, free from the expectations of others, free to choose whatever you want.

Being poor limits your freedom. So you should have as much money as possible. Then you can fill your life with whatever pleases you. The house you want. The things you want. The vacations you want. The relationships you want. Pet. Baby. Career. Spouse.

You can have all these things. Or none of them, if you prefer. You're free to choose. Happiness is born out of this freedom. To "be myself" is the highest good, the way to happiness.
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Sounds good, right? Really appealing.

The problem is, from beginning to end, it's a lie. And it's dangerous. A life of total freedom, a life centered around me and what I want, is a life that inevitably leads--not to happiness--but to emptiness and loneliness and despair.

It may not seem that way right away. I mean, would the TV, magazines, movies really keep telling that lie over and over again?

Plus, there is indeed a kind of sense of satisfaction that comes from living for yourself. But the sense of satisfaction is fleeting. You can never have enough. And one day, you wake up and find your life is false wheat and not wheat. You aren't bearing fruit. You aren't contributing to the world.

And what's more, you aren't even really happy.

Japan is one of the freest countries in the world. In Japan, you can live as you please, buy what you want, more or less be who you want. As a nation, Japan ranks third in terms of GDP--and 90th in terms of Gross National Happiness.

And Japan boasts one of the highest suicide rates in the world, especially among young people.
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The good news is that Jesus is telling us this parable so that we can stop listening to the enemy's deceiving message, and start responding to the message that leads to real joy.

It's never too late to come to your senses. There is always the possibility of turning our hearts back toward God.

Jesus taught and did all that He taught and did so that we could avoid falling into the blowhole of a self-centered life. Jesus said He came to "seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10) and so that we could have "life, and have it abudantly" (John 10:10).

"He who has ears, let him hear."

That is why we listen to the words of Jesus, and the words about Jesus, and all the words of God in the Bible. And that's why we even listen to long sermons!

And that is why we stop listening to the enemy.

Let us do all those things. And let us ask God to increase the wheat in our own hearts, and weed out the false wheat. Let us pray to God to show us the way to true happiness.

聞く耳を持つこと(マタイ13:24-30, 36-43)















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bible rofl #112

Running for his life from the deranged King Saul (bipolar disorder?), David tries to go to ground in a Philistine town called Gath--a place which has less than friendly feelings toward David, considering he killed Gath's most famous warrior, Goliath. With a slingshot. When he was, like, 13. And then chopped off Goliath's head and took it home as a trophy. And is, in fact, now carrying Goliath's sword.

Why David thought Gath would be a good place to lie low...the Bible doesn't say. Anyway, right away they recognize him. Duh.

So what does David do? The only natural thing, of course. He pretends to be stark raving mad. Pounding his head on the city gate, foaming at the mouth, singing Lady Gaga songs off-key, etc. Which leads the King of Gath, Achish, to, um, lose it:

"Can't you see this guy is a freaking loon job? Why'd you let him in here? What, you think I don't have enough crazy people around this place? So, what, I need one more, for good measure? Get this psycho out of here!"

(1 Samuel 21:10-15)



(2011年7月10日 夕の礼拝の話)











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we could really use some help down here

OK, so if:
A. There are more saints in Heaven now than, say, 2,000 years ago, and
B. The saints intercede for us here on earth, then

why do things seem to be getting crappier all the time?


Masu smiled

I sometimes pray with a man on the hospice floor, I'll call him Masu, who has some of the saddest eyes I've ever seen. I often suddenly recall his eyes when I'm in the middle of doing something else.

In clinical terms, Masu isn't depressed per se. He's just profoundly uneasy, feels lost in the cosmos. His wife passed on several years back, and, I don't know the details, but his daughter is not a supportive presence in his life now.

Masu has some church background, though probably not so strong. When I pray with him, he often puts his face in his hands and cries quietly.

He's a grown man, but something about him reminds me of a boy who got left behind somewhere by accident. Time has passed, the panic and hysterical wailing have died down, and now he's just tired, and sad, and scared, and wondering if he'll ever get home again. Wondering if things will ever be all right again.

Today, there was a small celebration of Tanabata, the Star Festival, in the ward. Tanabata is a typical Japanese syncretic mishmash of Chinese legend, wish-making, and laid-back summer celebration.

We--me and the music therapist, a female student doctor, some volunteers--sat around the ward Common Room, singing Japanese folk songs and drinking cold green tea. At first, no patients came. Everybody's energy level is pretty low at the moment.

But the music slowly drew them. First, Kubota-san and his rheumatism-ridden wife, both in wheelchairs. Then the taciturn Kawai-san and her middle-aged daughter. Then Masuda-san, looking bewildered as usual, accompanied by his wife and four thirty-something people whom I guess are his children.

And then Masu came in, pulling his IV pole. He's really tall! He's always sitting in bed when I see him, so I didn't know. He was looking quietly sad today, too.

There's a whole culinary category in Japan of "sweets that go well with bitter green tea". So there was a small spread of 'mizu-yohkan' (sweet redbean paste jelly), and dried apricots. There were also these cute little pastel colored cubes of sugary powder wrapped in tissue paper called 'o-higashi'. They melt in your mouth.

At first, Masu just sat, listening. I asked him if he had any song requests, but he didn't. He didn't want tea, either, but the volunteer brought him a glass anyway. He didn't touch it.

And then the student doctor offered him one of the o-higashi cubes. At first, Masu just let it sit in front of him.

As I listened to the next song, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Masu carefully unwrapped the tissue paper and put the sugar cube tentatively in his mouth. He seemed to stop moving for a moment. Then he took a sip of the tea he had refused earlier.

And then, he started to reach for another cube. The student doctor noticed, and said, "Tasty, aren't they?"

And Masu smiled. Like a golden glow that suddenly broke out all over his face. The sheer delight of the sweet delicacy, a perfect complement to the cool green tea. "Yes, it is," he said, and he looked pleased and even slightly naughty as he quickly put a second cube into his mouth to melt.

Amid all the sorrows of hospice, there are clear moments of joy, small happinesses that would probably pass unremarked in normal circumstances. I hope that today held such a moment for Masu.

I know that seeing him smile was a joy to me.

And I am grateful for the power of delicious food, which can sometimes reach even the saddest heart.



ー デービッド・ベントリー・ハート博士 (『無神論は妄想である』、24ページ)

[In the world of so-called New Age,] one may cultivate a private atmosphere of "spirituality" as undemanding and therapeutically comforting as one likes simply by purchasing a dream catcher, a few pretty crystals, some books on the goddess, a Tibetan prayer wheel, a volume of Joseph Campbell or Carl Jung or Robert Graves, a Nataraja figurine, a purse of tiles engraved with runes, a scattering of Pre-Raphaelite prints drenched in Celtic twilight, an Andean flute, and so forth, until this mounting congeries of string, worthless quartz, cheap joss sticks, baked clay, kitsch, borrowed iconography, and fraudulent scholarship reaches that mysterious point of saturation at which religion has become indistinguishable from interior decorating.
--David Bentley Hart, Atheist Delusions, p. 24


let's talk about it

Oh God. The "bishops" in England say there needs to be "discussion" "around" the "issue" of human sexuality.

And we all know what that means. Along with a steady programme ('cuz, you know, it's the UK) of establishing facts on the ground (a vociferous gay-rights dean here and there, a nudge-nudge-wink-wink "celibate" bishop or three), England will be bored stiff with 3-5 years of commissions and position papers and "study groups" and "reflections" and "theological" rationales (read: -izations) and meetings programmed to reach preordained conclusions using the Indaba-Delphi technique, culminating in a majority-voted policy change, followed by half-hearted calls for "living into the differences" in our "common life" so that we can continue to "honor" our "diversity" and "witness" to our "unity" in "the Christ" (or "Christa," depending).

Oh, crap. Now I'm almost out of scare quotes. I think I'll use my last two sets thusly:

First, to say that, you know, some things just don't need "discussing," especially when calling for discussion is itself an act of disobedience ("Did God really say...?" ←regular ol' quotes--still got plenty of those!).

It's like the husband who says there needs to be a discussion around the issue of monogamy in the marriage.

"Um, no, actually, my dear husband, we do NOT 'need to talk about this' and if you ever bring it up again you'll be staying in a motel eating frozen dinners for the rest of your life. For now, I think the sofa is the perfect place for you to reflect more deeply on how the psychologically unhealthy constraints of an outdated and repressive morality, as you put it, might actually be a good thing for you in the long run. Consider it your own, personal listening process."

And, second, I'm just going to put scare quotes around "Anglican Communion" and call it a day. Because daily, this creature I onced loved grows more and more into a parody of itself...


how's that working out for ya?

"At the end of the twentieth century--the century when secularization became an explicit political and cultural project throughout the world--the forces of progressive ideology could boast an unprecedentedly vast collection of corpses, but not much in the way of new moral concepts. At least, not any we should be especially proud of. The best ideals to which we moderns continue to cling long antedate modernity; for the most part, all we can claim as truly, distinctively our own are our atrocities."
--David Bentley Hart, Atheist Delusions, p. 222

ー デービッド・ベントリー・ハート博士 (『無神論は妄想である』、222ページ)