me me me ism
"[The unconstrained freedom of the will], for many of us, is the highest good imaginable. And a society guided by such beliefs must, at least implicitly, embrace and subtly advocate a very particular 'moral metaphysics': that is, the nonexistence of any transcendent standard of the good that has the power (or the right) to order our desires toward a higher end. We are, first and foremost, heroic and insatiable consumers, and we must not allow the specters of transcendent law or personal guilt to render us indecisive."
--David Bentley Hart, Atheist Delusions, p. 22
ー デービッド・ベントリー・ハート博士 (『無神論は妄想である』、22ページ)
--David Bentley Hart, Atheist Delusions, p. 22
ー デービッド・ベントリー・ハート博士 (『無神論は妄想である』、22ページ)
evidence, proof, and believing
I recently watched the 2005 movie "Proof". In it, Anthony Hopkins plays a brilliant but mentally disturbed mathematician, Gwyneth Paltrow his younger daughter, Catherine, who has cared for him at home for many years. The movie starts the week after the father's death, and jumps between past and present.
It's not a bad film. The elegant Paltrow acts with guarded intensity, so unrelentingly triste that her fleeting moments of happiness are like hot sunlight pouring through a crack in the storm clouds.
The older sister who arrives for the funeral and to settle Dad's affairs is played with utterly convincing annoyingness by Hope Davis (who, you will of course recall, played the French ticketing agent in "Home Alone")
The father's ex-student and Catherine's budding love interest, Hal, is played by Jake Gyllenhaal, who is just, well, annoying. Maybe if he showered and shaved... Twice...
Hopkins. Well, he just IS. Once you're Hannibal, you pretty much can never come back.
The title refers a mathematical proof that is discovered in a journal among Dad's belongings. It's so brilliant that the word "brilliant" is pathetically inadequate. It has to do with a really large prime number, I think, but for someone like me, they might as well be discussing various degrees of karmic enlightenment in tantric Buddhism.
Anyway, it's a really, really, really brainy mathematical proof. Ground-breaking.
Buoyed up by the false sense of intimacy and trust brought about by having sex with Hal during the post-funeral house party, Catherine reveals that she is the real author of the proof.
Now, here's where the second meaning of the title comes in, and what I found most interesting about this movie. Because there's no way to prove that Catherine is telling the truth. Her and her father's handwriting are virtually identical. And, Hal concludes, how could someone--a woman, no less--who dropped out of grad school (to take care of her father, but still) possibly possess the kind of mind necessary to achieve this supernova-level mathematical breakthrough?
Crushed by Hal's doubt, Catherine goes into an even darker spiral. She shuts down emotionally for a week.
During which time, Hal takes the journal to various math scholars to verify its legitimacy. And, in fact, it seems 100% on the up and up. Hal becomes convinced not only of the proof's validity, but also of Catherine's authorship (it apparently uses newer math techniques that Catherine's father wouldn't have mastered--what, is there a different way of writing "x" that I don't know about?)
Hal, convinced and excited, rushes back to find Catherine getting ready to move out of town with her sister. He tells her that he believes her now. She is not impressed. Here's the great scene:
Nothing. There is no proof of any of these things.
There's heaps of evidence. Reason is a friend to Christian belief. There is abundant evidence--but you can always find a way to rule evidence inadmissable. Hearsay! Subjective experience! Empirically unverifiable! Delusion! Coincidence! Fabrication! Wishful thinking!
But God says: You should trust me.
Finally, even after you have weighed all the evidence, faith still requires trust.
We trust in the self-revelation of God, because we accept that God is reliable. Because it is not in God's character to deceive.
We trust that the authors of scripture weren't just making it all up out of thin air.
We trust that the apostles tell it like it was, from slightly divergent standpoints, and were willing to be killed rather than deny what they knew to be true.
We trust that their witness was faithfully compiled and written down. (The evidence is VERY friendly to us at this point.)
And we trust that the Church for 2,000 years has more or less ably preserved this witness to the reality of the Living Christ in our midst, the wellspring of our healing, the source of our joy.
It's not a bad film. The elegant Paltrow acts with guarded intensity, so unrelentingly triste that her fleeting moments of happiness are like hot sunlight pouring through a crack in the storm clouds.
The older sister who arrives for the funeral and to settle Dad's affairs is played with utterly convincing annoyingness by Hope Davis (who, you will of course recall, played the French ticketing agent in "Home Alone")
The father's ex-student and Catherine's budding love interest, Hal, is played by Jake Gyllenhaal, who is just, well, annoying. Maybe if he showered and shaved... Twice...
Hopkins. Well, he just IS. Once you're Hannibal, you pretty much can never come back.
The title refers a mathematical proof that is discovered in a journal among Dad's belongings. It's so brilliant that the word "brilliant" is pathetically inadequate. It has to do with a really large prime number, I think, but for someone like me, they might as well be discussing various degrees of karmic enlightenment in tantric Buddhism.
Anyway, it's a really, really, really brainy mathematical proof. Ground-breaking.
Buoyed up by the false sense of intimacy and trust brought about by having sex with Hal during the post-funeral house party, Catherine reveals that she is the real author of the proof.
Now, here's where the second meaning of the title comes in, and what I found most interesting about this movie. Because there's no way to prove that Catherine is telling the truth. Her and her father's handwriting are virtually identical. And, Hal concludes, how could someone--a woman, no less--who dropped out of grad school (to take care of her father, but still) possibly possess the kind of mind necessary to achieve this supernova-level mathematical breakthrough?
Crushed by Hal's doubt, Catherine goes into an even darker spiral. She shuts down emotionally for a week.
During which time, Hal takes the journal to various math scholars to verify its legitimacy. And, in fact, it seems 100% on the up and up. Hal becomes convinced not only of the proof's validity, but also of Catherine's authorship (it apparently uses newer math techniques that Catherine's father wouldn't have mastered--what, is there a different way of writing "x" that I don't know about?)
Hal, convinced and excited, rushes back to find Catherine getting ready to move out of town with her sister. He tells her that he believes her now. She is not impressed. Here's the great scene:
CATHERINE: You think you figured something out? You run over here all pleased with yourself because you changed your mind? Now you're certain? You don't know anything! The book, the math, the dates, the writing...all that stuff, you just decided with your buddies. It's just evidence. It doesn't prove anything.Do you see that? Isn't that the age old problem of faith? The Enemy (or a persistent atheist, for that matter) could use similar words to any believer or convert:
HAL: Okay, what would?
CATHERINE: Nothing. (Pause) You should've trusted me.
HAL: I know.
You think you figured something out? Here you are, all pleased with yourself because you changed your mind? Now you're certain? You don't know anything! The sacred book, the beauty of creation and its laws, the existence of the Church, the experience of God's love, the example of the saints, the fact of countless lives turned around...all that stuff, you just decided with your Christian buddies. It's just evidence. It doesn't prove anything.What would prove the existence of God? What would prove the reliability of Scripture? The historicity of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus? The access we have to the Father through the Spirit of Christ even now? The forgiveness of sin? The validity of prayer?
Nothing. There is no proof of any of these things.
There's heaps of evidence. Reason is a friend to Christian belief. There is abundant evidence--but you can always find a way to rule evidence inadmissable. Hearsay! Subjective experience! Empirically unverifiable! Delusion! Coincidence! Fabrication! Wishful thinking!
But God says: You should trust me.
Finally, even after you have weighed all the evidence, faith still requires trust.
We trust in the self-revelation of God, because we accept that God is reliable. Because it is not in God's character to deceive.
We trust that the authors of scripture weren't just making it all up out of thin air.
We trust that the apostles tell it like it was, from slightly divergent standpoints, and were willing to be killed rather than deny what they knew to be true.
We trust that their witness was faithfully compiled and written down. (The evidence is VERY friendly to us at this point.)
And we trust that the Church for 2,000 years has more or less ably preserved this witness to the reality of the Living Christ in our midst, the wellspring of our healing, the source of our joy.
blessable and unblessable
Often, the Enemy tries to push through error by totalizing things which are only partial.
So, for example, since some who call themselves Christian are angry, unthinking Neanderthals, it therefore follows that Christianity is a religion of wrath and reactionary irrationality. Since a glass or two with dinner is a delightful thing, there can be nothing wrong with tossing back seven or eight.
As shoddy as the logic is, you see it all over the place. It often crops up in the attempt to sanction what God has revealed to be sinful. A kind of pernicious end-run.
The hottest hot example would be, of course, same-sex sexual relationships. The line goes like this: "My relationship with Fred is a grace-filled source of blessing to me and to all who know us. It therefore follows that our sexual relationship cannot be sinful."
Well, yes, actually, it can be sinful. And is, which we know because it has been revealed to be sinful.
It may be true that you and Fred have a bond of friendship which is a vehicle of grace. You may indeed care for one another with true agape love as brothers in Christ. And your friendship and your example of lived charity may indeed be a blessing to those around you.
It does not follow, however, that your misuse of the gift of sexual intimacy can also be somehow considered either capable of being blessed or capable of being an instrument of blessing.
God is quite able to distinguish between obedience and disobedience even within the same human heart. Sex outside the bounds which He has established for our good, i.e. in any context other than a lifelong union of man and woman, is disobedience. And God never uses disobedience to bless His creatures.
In this way, the Enemy tries to totalize partial things in a way that overturns the revelation of God.
God, on the other hand, delights to bless whenever and wherever He can. If even the worst sinner brings even the smallest area of his life into alignment with God's good will, God will rush to deliver grace through the opening thus provided.
God never writes us off. The greedy man who drops a wad of bills into the Salvation Army box: An opening for God's grace. The atheist who finds herself whispering a word of thanks when the baby's fever subsides: An opening for God's grace. The sexually broken man who stops before that final click online, the alcohol abuser who decides "just not today," the abusive husband who agrees to counseling, the glutton who says no to seconds--God waits for these little openings to come in with His blessing, to establish even a small foothold of grace in the human heart.
God always uses even the smallest obedience to bless His creatures.
Jesus, give my gay friends the grace to bring their friendships and their whole lives fully into line with your good will for them. Give all of us sinners the grace to submit more and more areas of our lives to your lordship.
So, for example, since some who call themselves Christian are angry, unthinking Neanderthals, it therefore follows that Christianity is a religion of wrath and reactionary irrationality. Since a glass or two with dinner is a delightful thing, there can be nothing wrong with tossing back seven or eight.
As shoddy as the logic is, you see it all over the place. It often crops up in the attempt to sanction what God has revealed to be sinful. A kind of pernicious end-run.
The hottest hot example would be, of course, same-sex sexual relationships. The line goes like this: "My relationship with Fred is a grace-filled source of blessing to me and to all who know us. It therefore follows that our sexual relationship cannot be sinful."
Well, yes, actually, it can be sinful. And is, which we know because it has been revealed to be sinful.
It may be true that you and Fred have a bond of friendship which is a vehicle of grace. You may indeed care for one another with true agape love as brothers in Christ. And your friendship and your example of lived charity may indeed be a blessing to those around you.
It does not follow, however, that your misuse of the gift of sexual intimacy can also be somehow considered either capable of being blessed or capable of being an instrument of blessing.
God is quite able to distinguish between obedience and disobedience even within the same human heart. Sex outside the bounds which He has established for our good, i.e. in any context other than a lifelong union of man and woman, is disobedience. And God never uses disobedience to bless His creatures.
In this way, the Enemy tries to totalize partial things in a way that overturns the revelation of God.
God, on the other hand, delights to bless whenever and wherever He can. If even the worst sinner brings even the smallest area of his life into alignment with God's good will, God will rush to deliver grace through the opening thus provided.
God never writes us off. The greedy man who drops a wad of bills into the Salvation Army box: An opening for God's grace. The atheist who finds herself whispering a word of thanks when the baby's fever subsides: An opening for God's grace. The sexually broken man who stops before that final click online, the alcohol abuser who decides "just not today," the abusive husband who agrees to counseling, the glutton who says no to seconds--God waits for these little openings to come in with His blessing, to establish even a small foothold of grace in the human heart.
God always uses even the smallest obedience to bless His creatures.
Jesus, give my gay friends the grace to bring their friendships and their whole lives fully into line with your good will for them. Give all of us sinners the grace to submit more and more areas of our lives to your lordship.
damage is done
"How dare you take my child away from me! I brought her to you so you could help her. I trusted you!"
So screams the mother whose badly abused child goes from the peds ward into Child Protective Services.
But the fact is, the pain and outrage the mother is feeling in the hospital lobby are pain and outrage that have already been visited on her. The medical staff didn't cause the pain. What caused it was her decision to shack up with a pathetic excuse for a man who has to prove his manliness by hitting women and little children. What caused it was all of his "issues."
So the suffering is not just now erupting. It was already there. It was just dormant, waiting to take concrete form. Which it did when her child finally got rescued from her, from her bad decisions, and from the man she's probably going to keep taking abuse from.
Of course, when the already inflicted suffering of the broken home moves out of its latent state and becomes a vivid, palpable reality, everybody involved feels the agony, acutely. But the cause of the suffering is not new. The suffering has already been caused. Now, we're just forced to experience it. The kid simply couldn't stay in that home.
So, the feverish agony of a failed liver from a lifetime of highballs, the round the clock suffocating panic caused by 50 years of two packs a day, the asshole watching his wife drive off for good with the kids, the clerk getting sacked after countless dips into the petty cash drawer, the burning lesions that flare up every winter--these things are no fun at the time. But they were consequences waiting to take form.
That is what I think is going on with the biblical word "judgment." Judgment is not about God in a huff being capricious and cruel. Judgment is about the consequences of the things we have already been and done finally being allowed to take concrete shape. Reckoning comes, sooner or later. And we may scream and rage all we want, but the damage has already been done. And we will have been the ones responsible for it. Not God.
The amazing thing about the Christian faith is that, while there's no way for us to undo the consequences of our sins, nothing we can do to avoid the reckoning that will come, nothing we can do to "get off easy"--God has done it for us. In Jesus. On the cross.
It is on the cross that the consequences of the damage we have wrought, the poison of all our sin, take hideous, concrete shape. The reckoning that was rightfully to be ours has been visited upon Jesus. He opted for that role.
And the power of Christ's cross is what can break the stranglehold of our not-yet-paid consequences and set us free, now, today. The power of Christ's cross is what can save us from ourselves, and give us a chance to choose differently this time around. A chance to put off the old ways, and live in the peace of God.
If we will accept the chance that is offered.
Not that we still don't have to face the consequences of our sins in this life, at least in part. But in the end, instead of an eternity of screaming and rage, we will be able to fall at the feet of our Savior with gratitude and joy.
So screams the mother whose badly abused child goes from the peds ward into Child Protective Services.
But the fact is, the pain and outrage the mother is feeling in the hospital lobby are pain and outrage that have already been visited on her. The medical staff didn't cause the pain. What caused it was her decision to shack up with a pathetic excuse for a man who has to prove his manliness by hitting women and little children. What caused it was all of his "issues."
So the suffering is not just now erupting. It was already there. It was just dormant, waiting to take concrete form. Which it did when her child finally got rescued from her, from her bad decisions, and from the man she's probably going to keep taking abuse from.
Of course, when the already inflicted suffering of the broken home moves out of its latent state and becomes a vivid, palpable reality, everybody involved feels the agony, acutely. But the cause of the suffering is not new. The suffering has already been caused. Now, we're just forced to experience it. The kid simply couldn't stay in that home.
So, the feverish agony of a failed liver from a lifetime of highballs, the round the clock suffocating panic caused by 50 years of two packs a day, the asshole watching his wife drive off for good with the kids, the clerk getting sacked after countless dips into the petty cash drawer, the burning lesions that flare up every winter--these things are no fun at the time. But they were consequences waiting to take form.
That is what I think is going on with the biblical word "judgment." Judgment is not about God in a huff being capricious and cruel. Judgment is about the consequences of the things we have already been and done finally being allowed to take concrete shape. Reckoning comes, sooner or later. And we may scream and rage all we want, but the damage has already been done. And we will have been the ones responsible for it. Not God.
The amazing thing about the Christian faith is that, while there's no way for us to undo the consequences of our sins, nothing we can do to avoid the reckoning that will come, nothing we can do to "get off easy"--God has done it for us. In Jesus. On the cross.
It is on the cross that the consequences of the damage we have wrought, the poison of all our sin, take hideous, concrete shape. The reckoning that was rightfully to be ours has been visited upon Jesus. He opted for that role.
And the power of Christ's cross is what can break the stranglehold of our not-yet-paid consequences and set us free, now, today. The power of Christ's cross is what can save us from ourselves, and give us a chance to choose differently this time around. A chance to put off the old ways, and live in the peace of God.
If we will accept the chance that is offered.
Not that we still don't have to face the consequences of our sins in this life, at least in part. But in the end, instead of an eternity of screaming and rage, we will be able to fall at the feet of our Savior with gratitude and joy.
everything is on fire
"In religion it is not enough for people to do the best that they can. That can never be enough. Our life is more perilous than that. Everything is on fire. We cannot put out the flames, for we too are engulfed. I pray to Jesus Christ not because he was the teacher who showed us how to do the best we can, but because he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Miserere mei, Domine."
--Prof. John B. Buescher, about his return from Buddhism to Catholicism, "Everything Is On Fire" Books & Culture (Jan/Feb 2008).
―『すべてが燃えている』 ジョン・ビューシャー(元仏教徒でキリスト教に改宗した比較宗教学博士)
--Prof. John B. Buescher, about his return from Buddhism to Catholicism, "Everything Is On Fire" Books & Culture (Jan/Feb 2008).
―『すべてが燃えている』 ジョン・ビューシャー(元仏教徒でキリスト教に改宗した比較宗教学博士)
falls the sparrow
My boys rescued a fledgling sparrow on the way home from church. They'd taken a different road from the station and found the thing, about a week old, chirping forlornly on the street. Some menacing looking crows were also in the area (the city had just been destroying crows' nests in the neighborhood).
Fearing for the fledgling's safety, my younger son stood guard while my oldest went and got my wife.
She did the only sensible thing and tried to foist the bird off onto a vet. Our family, collectively, knows absolutely nothing about taking care of birds. No luck, however. Instead of an offer of shelter, what my wife got were care and feeding instructions.
So, reluctantly, we welcomed "Chitchi" into our home. That is, my wife and I were reluctant. The kids were psyched. As in "cancel all my appointments" psyched, which isn't actually very realistic for school-going, soccer-practicing children.
Things didn't look so good for Chitchi at first. (BTW, the name is because Chitchi was found on Father's Day, which is "chi-chi no hi" in Japanese.) He was probably in shock. He refused food, though he shook his wings excitedly whenever we made chirping sounds.
I was pretty sure he wouldn't make it to Monday.
That is, until his chirping pulled me out of sleep at about six a.m. On my day off. On which day, alone, I can at least pretend to sleep until eight, even eight-thirty.
As I sat there trying to feed Chitchi in the half-light, while the rest of the house slept, three kids' worth of pre-dawn feedings and diaper changes and vomit cleaning came back. The things we do for love.
Still, although alive and chirping energetically, Chitchi still wouldn't eat. Outlook negative. I told my middle one not to get his hopes up too much, of course making him go off to the kitchen and cry. Nice parenting skills, Dad.
Luckily (?) my daughter had a low-grade fever, so the two of us stayed home with Chitchi. And then, mid-morning, the bird started eating! He opened his mouth wide and let me shoot bird-food paste into his gullet. He stood there looking confused for a bit, and then he opened his mouth again, shaking his wings with excitement.
From that point on, Chitchi started eating regularly. We let him out of his Baskin-Robbins ice cream cake box, and he spent the day walking around under the balcony screen door, peeping continuously and from time to time pooping on the floor, which wasn't actually all that disgusting. Better than vomit.
Chitchi tried jumping up onto boxes, testing his wings. He sat contentedly on my hand and knee, perched on my finger. After lunch, some other sparrows came round and were clearly upset that one of their young was being held captive by Evil Humans. (As I know now, it very well could have been Chitchi's mom and dad, who hadn't actually abandoned him.)
Chitchi continued to do well. So well, in fact, that my daughter and I went down to the pet store and got a nice little cage to replace the cake box. Chitchi didn't seem to mind the cage too much, although he clearly preferred being out of it. He would jump onto my hand as soon as I opened the door and made a chirping sound. Very cute.
All in all, we had a great day together. My wife and oldest son got to experience the thrill of feeding Chitchi, too, a variation on the pound the gopher game. Depress the plunger while the mouth is still open, reload, try again.
I started thinking ahead. When Chitchi starts flying around the house, we've got to be careful not to leave windows open. What food comes after this green paste? Who will look after him when we go to the States in August? Will he be able to fend for himself when we release him?
That night, with a very full stomach, the frequency of chirps slowing down considerably, Chitchi's eyes began to grow heavy. He rested his head on one of his wings and drifted off to sleep.
And then, this morning, he was dead.
I don't know if he just died, or we killed him by something we did or didn't do. Statistically, wild birds in captivity make it to adulthood only about half the time.
In fact, I come to find out that it was a bad idea to pick Chitchi up in the first place, and it was stupid to think we could've eventually released him. He was already starting to "imprint" on us--that is, think of us as his parents, the creatures from whom to learn life skills. That's why he started accepting food and hopping up onto our hands. But birds that imprint on humans can't make it in the wild.
Anyway, my wife and younger son discovered Chitchi dead when they checked on him. Of course, the two younger kids cried and my oldest just kept asking "why"? The bitter taste of death at dawn's first light.
They seemed more or less okay at breakfast, though.
He was just so damn cute. And, although we shouldn't have tried to "rescue" him, he was beginning to find a home--a strange and unlooked-for home, to be sure, but still a place to belong and be safe and be loved, in a world full of crows and cats and motor scooters.
I wish we had been smarter about what to do with Chitchi. But I am glad to have known him, if only for a day.
We'll bury Chitchi this evening, when everybody gets home. Lord, have mercy on us all.
おまけで「罰ゲーム」も用意した。5人のプレイヤーが中身が見えない5つのぶら下がっている紙コップの真下に立ち、いっせいのせ! とひもを引っぱって中身が頭の上に落ちるわけ。
おまけで「罰ゲーム」も用意した。5人のプレイヤーが中身が見えない5つのぶら下がっている紙コップの真下に立ち、いっせいのせ! とひもを引っぱって中身が頭の上に落ちるわけ。
l 16さて、十一人の弟子たちはガリラヤに行き、イエスが指示しておかれた山に登った。
l 17そして、イエスに会い、ひれ伏した。しかし、疑う者もいた。
l 18イエスは、近寄って来て言われた。「わたしは天と地の一切の権能を授かっている。」
l 19 「だから、あなたがたは行って、すべての民をわたしの弟子にしなさい。」
l 「彼らに父と子と聖霊の名によって洗礼を授ける」こと
l 「わたしたちに命じておいたことをすべて守るように教える」こと。
l 20b 「わたしは世の終わりまで、いつもあなたがたと共にいる。」
「わたしは道であり、真理であり、命である。わたしを通らなければ、だれも父のもとに行くことができない。」(ヨハネ 14:6)つまり、家出して父親を勘当した罪人であるわたしたち人間は、イエスを信じてイエスと結び付くという「帰り道」を通らないで、それでもその人が父なる神の家に属している者だというのは、ナンセンスだし、クリスチャンでない人たちの自由意志と尊厳を尊重していないことだと思う。
for Finland and other Asian countries?!?
We wouldn't say that. Because Finland isn't part of Asia.
In the same way, to say "On this Ecumenical Sunday, let us pray for those of other denominations and those of other faiths" is wrongheaded. We should indeed pray for those of other faiths (especially that they would come to know the saving love of God in the Lord Jesus Christ!), but that has nothing to do with ecumenism.
The word "ecumenical," from the Greek oikoumene which means house/household, means "all who belong to the household of the Father." To be sure, all people were created and are loved by God. But the notion of belonging to the household of the Father without reference to Jesus Christ is a nonstarter:
We should pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we should pray for those who do not know Christ and are not united to Him.
But to try and force the two into the word "ecumenical" not only renders null and void the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but is a simple abuse of language.
In the same way, to say "On this Ecumenical Sunday, let us pray for those of other denominations and those of other faiths" is wrongheaded. We should indeed pray for those of other faiths (especially that they would come to know the saving love of God in the Lord Jesus Christ!), but that has nothing to do with ecumenism.
The word "ecumenical," from the Greek oikoumene which means house/household, means "all who belong to the household of the Father." To be sure, all people were created and are loved by God. But the notion of belonging to the household of the Father without reference to Jesus Christ is a nonstarter:
"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)In other words, for us sinful human beings, who ran away from home and cut off all ties with the Father, NOT to travel the "road home" of believing in Jesus and being bound to him, and still to say that person belongs to the household of God is not only nonsense, but an affront to the free will and dignity of non-Christians.
"The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father.'” (Romans 8:15)
We should pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, and we should pray for those who do not know Christ and are not united to Him.
But to try and force the two into the word "ecumenical" not only renders null and void the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but is a simple abuse of language.
why bother with church history?
The most important function of Christian history is to remind us not only of how we came to be modern men and women, or of how Western civilization was shaped, but also of something of incalculable wonder and inexpressible beauty, the knowledge of which can still haunt, delight, torment, and transfigure us.
--David Bentley Hart ("Atheist Delusions")
ー デービッド・ベントリー・ハート博士 (『無神論は妄想である』)
--David Bentley Hart ("Atheist Delusions")
ー デービッド・ベントリー・ハート博士 (『無神論は妄想である』)
最近楽しく読み始めた、デービッド・ベントリー・ハート著『Atheist Delusions』のタイトルは、日本語にどう直したら良いだろうか。
だけど、近年派手に中傷され続けている教会史の真相を回復しようとしているハート博士は、意図的に有力な無神論者であるリチャード・ドーキンズのベストセラー『The God Delusion』をもじっているに違いないと思う。
all out of bubblegum
My favorite line ever from a film is from an odd, low-budget (seeming) 1988 SF/horror flick directed by John Carpenter called They Live.
(Incidentally, They Live also has the longest fight scene of any movie I've ever seen).
The hero is a drifter who stumbles upon some high-tech sunglasses that allow him to see aliens that have infiltrated human society. Kind of like X-ray vision. You can't see the aliens without the sunglasses.
Anyway, the line. The hero walks into a bank wearing the sunglasses and holding a shotgun. He declares: "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum."
He then proceeds to blow away all the aliens. It's awesome. Check it out for yourself.
(I've always had the nagging feeling that the guy is actually just experiencing a psychotic break and there aren't really any aliens. But it's a great line anyway.)
That line popped into my head as I was reading the book by David Bentley Hart, Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies.
The book came to my attention when it received this year's Michael Ramsey prize in Theology.
Hart is writing in part to unmask the popular historical fallacies used by people trying to tear down the Christian faith and replace it with the Grand Narrative of "modernism." He seems to have been goaded to the task by certain strains of atheism:
For example, Hart contrasts the erroneous assumptions and lack of rigorous engagement of the foaming-at-the-mouth "New Atheists" with their far more worthy predecessors in the early days: "genuinely imaginative and civilized critics, such as Celsus and Porphyry, who held the amiable belief that they should make some effort to acquaint themselves with the object of their critique."
He turns to Sam Harris's The End of Faith:
Sometimes it's the driveby turns of phrase that pack the hardest punch:
Chesterton would be proud.
Anyway, I am enjoying this book, perhaps a little more than charity would allow.
Let me just say, I'm glad I'm not the one staring down Hart's barrel.
(Incidentally, They Live also has the longest fight scene of any movie I've ever seen).
The hero is a drifter who stumbles upon some high-tech sunglasses that allow him to see aliens that have infiltrated human society. Kind of like X-ray vision. You can't see the aliens without the sunglasses.
Anyway, the line. The hero walks into a bank wearing the sunglasses and holding a shotgun. He declares: "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum."
He then proceeds to blow away all the aliens. It's awesome. Check it out for yourself.
(I've always had the nagging feeling that the guy is actually just experiencing a psychotic break and there aren't really any aliens. But it's a great line anyway.)
That line popped into my head as I was reading the book by David Bentley Hart, Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies.
The book came to my attention when it received this year's Michael Ramsey prize in Theology.
Hart is writing in part to unmask the popular historical fallacies used by people trying to tear down the Christian faith and replace it with the Grand Narrative of "modernism." He seems to have been goaded to the task by certain strains of atheism:
I can honestly say that there are many forms of atheism that I find far more admirable than many forms of Christianity or of religion in general. But atheism that consists entirely in vacuous arguments afloat on oceans of historical ignorance, made turbulent by storms of strident self-righteousness, is as contemptible as any other form of dreary fundamentalism. And it is sometimes difficult, frankly, to be perfectly generous in one’s response to the sort of invective currently fashionable among the devoutly undevout, or to the sort of historical misrepresentations it typically involves.But, as evidenced in the quote above, it is Hart's rapier-sharp writing style as much as his thoughtful historical reflections that get me whooping with delight.
For example, Hart contrasts the erroneous assumptions and lack of rigorous engagement of the foaming-at-the-mouth "New Atheists" with their far more worthy predecessors in the early days: "genuinely imaginative and civilized critics, such as Celsus and Porphyry, who held the amiable belief that they should make some effort to acquaint themselves with the object of their critique."
He turns to Sam Harris's The End of Faith:
[This] is also a book that, in itself, should not detain anyone for very long. It is little more than a concatenation of shrill, petulant assertions, a few of which are true, but none of which betrays any great degree of philosophical or historical sophistication."Ouch. That's gotta leave a mark.
Sometimes it's the driveby turns of phrase that pack the hardest punch:
- Rather than court absurdity, however...
- All of this, however, is slightly beside the point. Judged solely as a scientific proposal, Dennett's book [Breaking the Spell] is utterly inconsequential--in fact, it is something of an embarassment--but its methodological deficiencies are not my real concern here.
- In short, The End of Faith is not a serious--merely a self-important--book, and merits only cursory comment.
- If Harris's argument holds any real interest here, it is as an epitome--verging on unintentional parody--of contemporary antireligious rhetoric at its most impassioned and sanctimonious.
- This is one reason why the historical insight and intellectual honesty of Nietzsche were such precious things, and why their absence from so much contemporary antireligious polemic renders it so depressingly vapid.
Chesterton would be proud.
Anyway, I am enjoying this book, perhaps a little more than charity would allow.
Let me just say, I'm glad I'm not the one staring down Hart's barrel.
worried about tomorrow?
Do not fear what may happen to you tomorrow. The same Father who cares for you today, will care for you tomorrow and every other day. Either he will shield you from suffering or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.
--St. Francis de Sales:
--St. Francis de Sales:
quote of the day
"Religion is more like response to a friend than it is like obedience to an expert."
--Austin Farrer
More like, yes, perhaps, but maybe both at the same time? Or, religion is more like a response to a friend who also happens to be the Great King of your country and also an expert in the very problem against which you just now happen to be butting your head in frustration.
As an Oxford don, Fr. Farrer would have a sense of "friend" that is far greater and more noble than an American "buddy."
--Austin Farrer
More like, yes, perhaps, but maybe both at the same time? Or, religion is more like a response to a friend who also happens to be the Great King of your country and also an expert in the very problem against which you just now happen to be butting your head in frustration.
As an Oxford don, Fr. Farrer would have a sense of "friend" that is far greater and more noble than an American "buddy."
音楽も好きだが、何よりも内容に感激。信仰生活の現実を把握している気がする。特に2番:「見えない明日への 恐れに苦しむ/愛は変わらずに 弱さに向き合い/心の痛みに いつでも寄り添う」。
音楽も好きだが、何よりも内容に感激。信仰生活の現実を把握している気がする。特に2番:「見えない明日への 恐れに苦しむ/愛は変わらずに 弱さに向き合い/心の痛みに いつでも寄り添う」。
Mr. Kato
Mr. Kato (not his real name) is a man who comes to see me from time to time.
From what I can gather, he's on welfare and has anxiety problems, and his CPU revolves a bit slower than most people's. He was brought in once for overdosing, but I don't think he has a suicidal ideation usually.
He comes to see me because he needs somebody to think with. Sitting alone in his room, he gets to thinking about things, and then all sorts of questions start boiling up, and he tries to think through to the answers but he can never quite get there and meanwhile this whole other set of questions and doubts and rebuttals are clamoring for attention--and before he knows it, his head is a whirlwind of slightly out of focus thoughts and reminders to self and half-formed resolves and question marks.
Mr. Kato gets duped a lot. He was married for a little while to a woman who came from China and immediately started using his flat as a dressing room between shifts at a cabaret. He had a "friend" who would buy him a cup of coffee and then badger Mr. Kato into paying for dinner and several rounds.
I like him because he asks questions that trip me up. With no sarcasm, he'll say: "So, I should just not think about anything and try to live a shallow life?"
Um, well...
He went to "Mass" at a Filippino Jehovah's Witness gathering, which was okay, he guessed, but they don't believe in blood transfusions or fighting sports, so how could he join their church?
What is the thing that makes you feel most relaxed? I ask. "Sleeping," he says without hesitation.
"How should I live the rest of my life?" he asks, and I struggle to come up with any sort of response. He shrugs: "I guess, play it by ear."
And he goes home.
From what I can gather, he's on welfare and has anxiety problems, and his CPU revolves a bit slower than most people's. He was brought in once for overdosing, but I don't think he has a suicidal ideation usually.
He comes to see me because he needs somebody to think with. Sitting alone in his room, he gets to thinking about things, and then all sorts of questions start boiling up, and he tries to think through to the answers but he can never quite get there and meanwhile this whole other set of questions and doubts and rebuttals are clamoring for attention--and before he knows it, his head is a whirlwind of slightly out of focus thoughts and reminders to self and half-formed resolves and question marks.
Mr. Kato gets duped a lot. He was married for a little while to a woman who came from China and immediately started using his flat as a dressing room between shifts at a cabaret. He had a "friend" who would buy him a cup of coffee and then badger Mr. Kato into paying for dinner and several rounds.
I like him because he asks questions that trip me up. With no sarcasm, he'll say: "So, I should just not think about anything and try to live a shallow life?"
Um, well...
He went to "Mass" at a Filippino Jehovah's Witness gathering, which was okay, he guessed, but they don't believe in blood transfusions or fighting sports, so how could he join their church?
What is the thing that makes you feel most relaxed? I ask. "Sleeping," he says without hesitation.
"How should I live the rest of my life?" he asks, and I struggle to come up with any sort of response. He shrugs: "I guess, play it by ear."
And he goes home.
come again?
Had my "Crawling Through Luke" class this morning. It's not called that, but we've spent three years meeting twice a month and have only gotten to chapter 17. We're having way too much fun.
When you take the Bible seriously, most of the time it's a wild adventure, life-altering, mind-expanding, challenging, humbling, courage-bringing, bracing, nourishing, healing.
But sometimes it frustrates. Like trying to build a Lego spaceship blindfolded.
I'm compelled to try to make sense of it because it's the Word of God revealed, even the parts that seem like rough edges. But sometimes I end up doing more head-scratching than sense-making.

I mean, I think I understand the apocalyptic genre, at least a little. Using jarring, dramatic imagery and heavy allusion to try to convey unseen spiritual realities, the "really real" behind the screen of the visible world, gripping the hearer and forcing a shift in perspective. Babylon=Rome. Beast=Imperial army. Things look bleak now, but God's justice and mercy really do win out in the end.
So, I'm quite willing to pooh-pooh the Left Behind crowd who read Revelation like the Weekend Section and couldn't tell a metaphor from a hole in the ground.
But that's Revelation. I mean, John was "in the Spirit on the Lord's day," having the mother of all day-trips.
I get confused, however, when Jesus talks like that. He heals ten lepers and harangues us for always coming to God with "what's in it for me" attitudes and hearts filled with ingratitude. And then He turns around and talks about floods and burning sulphur and people vanishing.
I understand the words. What am I supposed to do with them?
Still, I did enjoy watching my students' heads spin when I talked about a- and post- and premillenialism, and even preterism. I can now confidently declare myself to be a partial-preteristic amillenialist, if anyone ever asks.
And I was surprised to learn the Catholic church teaches a kind of tribulation: "Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers." (CCC 675)
The Vatican and Tim La Haye on the same page?
children break your heart
I am grieving over the sudden death of a young woman in our chapel community.
She had been struggling for a long time with a great sadness. As a Christian community, we didn't do well in reaching out to her. She was able to get to the chapel only rarely. I'm afraid we left her parents to shoulder the burden of care almost entirely. We tried to support them, to be sure. But we obviously didn't reach the daughter with the healing power of God's love or the hope that is in Christ.
I am sorry for their loss, and sorry I did so little to prevent it.
Her death is also making me think of the many ways I have broken my own parents' hearts over the years.
I think particularly of my own wildly immoral past, which of course affected many, many people around me, sometimes in life-defining ways.
I think of my own wrestling with periods of bleak despair, when I refused all help until it was almost too late.
I think of the low value I placed on my own life at times, taking needless risks and laughing a little too manic-ly all the while.
I am also thinking about how my journey to Japan, now at the 20-year mark, has inflicted another kind of wound on my parents. I have become a man, a husband, a father, a priest--all on the opposite side of the planet from them. My own children love their American grandparents, but it is a love necessarily tinged with a certain amount of reserve, born of unfamiliarity.
Of course, my folks support the work I do here. They support our family. They want us to be in the center of God's will for our lives. That's what parents do--as a parent, I know that.
But I reckon being supportive doesn't preclude also being heartbroken. I reckon our Heavenly Father knows a thing or two about that as well.
Anyway, I'm just...sorry. Sorry to the parents who are shattered by the loss of their little girl. Sorry to be the cause of so much heartbreak to my own parents.
She had been struggling for a long time with a great sadness. As a Christian community, we didn't do well in reaching out to her. She was able to get to the chapel only rarely. I'm afraid we left her parents to shoulder the burden of care almost entirely. We tried to support them, to be sure. But we obviously didn't reach the daughter with the healing power of God's love or the hope that is in Christ.
I am sorry for their loss, and sorry I did so little to prevent it.
Her death is also making me think of the many ways I have broken my own parents' hearts over the years.
I think particularly of my own wildly immoral past, which of course affected many, many people around me, sometimes in life-defining ways.
I think of my own wrestling with periods of bleak despair, when I refused all help until it was almost too late.
I think of the low value I placed on my own life at times, taking needless risks and laughing a little too manic-ly all the while.
I am also thinking about how my journey to Japan, now at the 20-year mark, has inflicted another kind of wound on my parents. I have become a man, a husband, a father, a priest--all on the opposite side of the planet from them. My own children love their American grandparents, but it is a love necessarily tinged with a certain amount of reserve, born of unfamiliarity.
Of course, my folks support the work I do here. They support our family. They want us to be in the center of God's will for our lives. That's what parents do--as a parent, I know that.
But I reckon being supportive doesn't preclude also being heartbroken. I reckon our Heavenly Father knows a thing or two about that as well.
Anyway, I'm just...sorry. Sorry to the parents who are shattered by the loss of their little girl. Sorry to be the cause of so much heartbreak to my own parents.
interfaith anxiety
I got the chance to play tourguide for the first time in ages this weekend.
A delegation from my alma mater, Virginia Theological Seminary, stopped by in Tokyo on their way home from a week or so in Hong Kong and China. I took them to meet the VP of St. Paul's University, helped them navigate around town, found a nice Japanese restaurant for dinner, showed them the hospital and the Ginza shopping district, etc.
It was fun to show off my city and my hospital. And I really enjoyed spending time with my old New Testament professor, Dr. John Yieh. He's a Taiwanese Presbyterian minister and scholar. Brilliant, humble, orthodox, irenic, sweet all the way around.
His classroom was one of the few places at VTS where I felt like I even recognized the theological landscape. Same gospel. Same sense of humility and reverence in front of the Scriptures. Same organic connection with the previous 2,000 years of Christian history. Same delight in the Word made Flesh and dwelling among us--a delight which yearns to be shared, is rightfully shared, is an act of profound love to share.
There were also two new VTS graduates along, a husband and wife, both newly ordained. I enjoyed meeting them and spending time with them. But I also realized, or reconfirmed, that we are not co-religionists. The faith that these two young Episcopalians are eager to go out and proclaim is, as far as I can see, not the faith once received.
It's certainly not the faith that turned my life around. It seems to be an amalgam of feminist liberation and a Democratic Party agenda, clever scepticism, hip-ness, and generous heaps of affirmation. God doesn't make garbage.
Well, interfaith relationships are important in our shrinking global village. So I guess I can hang out with Episcopalians from time to time.
Just don't bring up the subject of religion!
A delegation from my alma mater, Virginia Theological Seminary, stopped by in Tokyo on their way home from a week or so in Hong Kong and China. I took them to meet the VP of St. Paul's University, helped them navigate around town, found a nice Japanese restaurant for dinner, showed them the hospital and the Ginza shopping district, etc.
It was fun to show off my city and my hospital. And I really enjoyed spending time with my old New Testament professor, Dr. John Yieh. He's a Taiwanese Presbyterian minister and scholar. Brilliant, humble, orthodox, irenic, sweet all the way around.
His classroom was one of the few places at VTS where I felt like I even recognized the theological landscape. Same gospel. Same sense of humility and reverence in front of the Scriptures. Same organic connection with the previous 2,000 years of Christian history. Same delight in the Word made Flesh and dwelling among us--a delight which yearns to be shared, is rightfully shared, is an act of profound love to share.
There were also two new VTS graduates along, a husband and wife, both newly ordained. I enjoyed meeting them and spending time with them. But I also realized, or reconfirmed, that we are not co-religionists. The faith that these two young Episcopalians are eager to go out and proclaim is, as far as I can see, not the faith once received.
It's certainly not the faith that turned my life around. It seems to be an amalgam of feminist liberation and a Democratic Party agenda, clever scepticism, hip-ness, and generous heaps of affirmation. God doesn't make garbage.
Well, interfaith relationships are important in our shrinking global village. So I guess I can hang out with Episcopalians from time to time.
Just don't bring up the subject of religion!
not enough millstones
About once a month, sometimes more often, a case comes in to the pediatrics ward that really knocks the wind out of me.
I mean, we're a leader in the field of pediatric oncology in Japan, so we get a lot of hard cases. When standard chemo and/or radiation therapies don't work.
I'm pretty used to hanging out with bald kids who get tired sometimes, who swell up like balloons and get cranky when they're taking steroids, who somehow manage to do their math problems anyway. And I'm used to parents who try hard to keep it together but are basically holding their breath for months on end while they live in the peds ward and go home to shower and cry and sleep.
I've said goodbye to more than a few of the kids now. With some, I've stood with their mothers and fathers watching their way too little caskets go into the oven.
I can never get completely out from under the "why" question. But a while back I decided--and at the time, it felt like I could go either way--that I really do believe God is love. And I can't begin to explain to myself much less anybody else why these beautiful kids get sick, but I know in my gut that it's not because God wants them to suffer.
So the "why" is always there, hovering, like a mourning veil over the sun. I think, of all the options out there, Christianity offers by far the least dissatisfying response to that question. But I also think it's not all that useful a question when you're trying to love people who are in the thick of it.
But from time to time, a case comes in that just seems too much. Sometimes the odds are just too stacked against the child. But the worst cases aren't cancer, they're when a child has been abused or neglected.
In such cases, the evil of the disease or injury itself pales in comparison to the suffering that the child has been through, and will go through. The body will heal--although sometimes the damage is permanent--but the heart may never heal. Where there should have been affection and innocence and wonder, there has been rage and violence and indifference. A home that should have been a safe haven from all the perils and uncertainties of the world, is instead the source of danger, and nothing at all is ever certain.
I am grieving and angry today. I'm glad I am not God, because I think I would create new hells just for the people who hurt their children.
I mean, we're a leader in the field of pediatric oncology in Japan, so we get a lot of hard cases. When standard chemo and/or radiation therapies don't work.
I'm pretty used to hanging out with bald kids who get tired sometimes, who swell up like balloons and get cranky when they're taking steroids, who somehow manage to do their math problems anyway. And I'm used to parents who try hard to keep it together but are basically holding their breath for months on end while they live in the peds ward and go home to shower and cry and sleep.
I've said goodbye to more than a few of the kids now. With some, I've stood with their mothers and fathers watching their way too little caskets go into the oven.
I can never get completely out from under the "why" question. But a while back I decided--and at the time, it felt like I could go either way--that I really do believe God is love. And I can't begin to explain to myself much less anybody else why these beautiful kids get sick, but I know in my gut that it's not because God wants them to suffer.
So the "why" is always there, hovering, like a mourning veil over the sun. I think, of all the options out there, Christianity offers by far the least dissatisfying response to that question. But I also think it's not all that useful a question when you're trying to love people who are in the thick of it.
But from time to time, a case comes in that just seems too much. Sometimes the odds are just too stacked against the child. But the worst cases aren't cancer, they're when a child has been abused or neglected.
In such cases, the evil of the disease or injury itself pales in comparison to the suffering that the child has been through, and will go through. The body will heal--although sometimes the damage is permanent--but the heart may never heal. Where there should have been affection and innocence and wonder, there has been rage and violence and indifference. A home that should have been a safe haven from all the perils and uncertainties of the world, is instead the source of danger, and nothing at all is ever certain.
I am grieving and angry today. I'm glad I am not God, because I think I would create new hells just for the people who hurt their children.
still not sure
One of the things that kept me from starting a blog is a sneaking suspicion that blogs are evil.
Mind you, not serious, Level 5, grab your crucifix and holy water kind of evil. But a little bit evil, in that blogs contribute to the massive erosion of physical, interpersonal contact that is engulfing our world.
Get on a subway in Tokyo, nearly everyone is texting or watching TV on their cell phones. If not, they're zoned out plugged into an IPod. A smattering of old-school nonconformists are reading manga or old-fashioned paperbacks.
The sidewalks aren't much better. People careen around, heads down, monads with their brains suctioned on to some sort of electronic device. There's always a moment of shock when they look up just before plowing into a person or stationery object.
Even friends, colleagues, couples sitting in a restaurant, at the slightest pause in the conversation whip out their cell phones to check for messages or whatever they do. Often there's no conversation at all, just two people texting next to each other.
This trend of virtualizing all human interactions is evil. Blogs are part of that.
I'm not saying that blog interactions aren't meaningful. I'm stimulated and encouraged and challenged by the blogs that I read. I feel a real connection with the people who write them. I pray for them when they're sick or pregnant. I'm sad when they experience a loss.
But there's a problem when we go to the blogosphere to engage in interactions instead of dealing with the warm, breathing human beings who are right next to us.
God places us in communities to stimulate and encourage us, yes, but also to frustrate and infuriate and confuse us. Dealing with people and all their warts, not just the parts they choose to publish, is part of how we grow in charity. Letting people deal with us and all our warts is part of how we grow in humility and grace.
But at the end of the day, it's not just about my stimulation or encouragement, or even my personal growth. God uses local communities of ill-equipped, stumbling and plodding men and women to bring transformation and healing and grace to whole districts and cities and nations.
So if a blog is a source of inspiration or encouragement or comfort or challenge, that is a good and godly thing. But if the blogosphere is the only place where you really engage with other human beings, I think that's a problem.
Note to self: Look up. Log off. Get out of the house. Get out into real life.
Mind you, not serious, Level 5, grab your crucifix and holy water kind of evil. But a little bit evil, in that blogs contribute to the massive erosion of physical, interpersonal contact that is engulfing our world.
Get on a subway in Tokyo, nearly everyone is texting or watching TV on their cell phones. If not, they're zoned out plugged into an IPod. A smattering of old-school nonconformists are reading manga or old-fashioned paperbacks.
The sidewalks aren't much better. People careen around, heads down, monads with their brains suctioned on to some sort of electronic device. There's always a moment of shock when they look up just before plowing into a person or stationery object.
Even friends, colleagues, couples sitting in a restaurant, at the slightest pause in the conversation whip out their cell phones to check for messages or whatever they do. Often there's no conversation at all, just two people texting next to each other.
This trend of virtualizing all human interactions is evil. Blogs are part of that.
I'm not saying that blog interactions aren't meaningful. I'm stimulated and encouraged and challenged by the blogs that I read. I feel a real connection with the people who write them. I pray for them when they're sick or pregnant. I'm sad when they experience a loss.
But there's a problem when we go to the blogosphere to engage in interactions instead of dealing with the warm, breathing human beings who are right next to us.
God places us in communities to stimulate and encourage us, yes, but also to frustrate and infuriate and confuse us. Dealing with people and all their warts, not just the parts they choose to publish, is part of how we grow in charity. Letting people deal with us and all our warts is part of how we grow in humility and grace.
But at the end of the day, it's not just about my stimulation or encouragement, or even my personal growth. God uses local communities of ill-equipped, stumbling and plodding men and women to bring transformation and healing and grace to whole districts and cities and nations.
So if a blog is a source of inspiration or encouragement or comfort or challenge, that is a good and godly thing. But if the blogosphere is the only place where you really engage with other human beings, I think that's a problem.
Note to self: Look up. Log off. Get out of the house. Get out into real life.
the most amazing thing
A little while ago, a Malawian mechanical engineering student visting from Scotland (okay, it's complicated) came to Sunday Mass at the chapel. I approached him after the service to say welcome (I admired him for having sat through the whole service in Japanese).
We got to talking, and he said this:
"They told me when I was a child in Africa that Japan was very amazing, with great tall buildings, and highly advanced technology.
"But I came here, and I've been here a while and looked around and studied. And I still think that the most amazing thing that ever happened to me was Jesus Christ. Was knowing the love of God in Jesus."
We got to talking, and he said this:
"They told me when I was a child in Africa that Japan was very amazing, with great tall buildings, and highly advanced technology.
"But I came here, and I've been here a while and looked around and studied. And I still think that the most amazing thing that ever happened to me was Jesus Christ. Was knowing the love of God in Jesus."
the title of this blog
I am a fan of songwriter singer Sara Groves. And it was something she wrote that made me finally decide to take the minute and a half it takes to create a blog. She talks about seeing a movie (The Mission) which made her "feel the long distance to heaven."
There are times when I feel that, too.
But although for me, the acute awareness of that distance can be piercing, even crushing sometimes, I also know a God for whom it's not a problem.
From my favorite parable:
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him." (Luke 15:20)
There are times when I feel that, too.
But although for me, the acute awareness of that distance can be piercing, even crushing sometimes, I also know a God for whom it's not a problem.
From my favorite parable:
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him." (Luke 15:20)
my first blog
Certain I have almost nothing new or worthwhile to add to the blogiverse, I have put off creating a blog. But stories don't have to be wholly original to be worth telling. And maybe an interesting thought or two will stray through my brain from time to time.
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