



万民の主、全能の神よ、洗礼によってみ子イエス・キリストの死とよみがえりにあずかる機会を得ないでこの世を去った人たちを顧みてください。どうか主の深い慈しみのうちに彼らを守り、主の全きみ旨を成し遂げてくださいますように、み子、救い主イエス・キリストによってお願いいたします。 アーメン





  • 「わたしのこれらの言葉を聞くだけで行わない者は皆、砂の上に家を建てた愚かな人に似ている。雨が降り、川があふれ、風が吹いてその家に襲いかかると、倒れて、その倒れ方がひどかった。」(マタイ7:26-27)
  • 「イエスは言われた。『わたしは道であり、真理であり、命である。わたしを通らなければ、だれも父のもとに行くことができない』」(ヨハネ14:6)
  • イエス・キリストの「ほかのだれによっても、救いは得られません。わたしたちが救われるべき名は、天下にこの名のほか、人間には与えられていないのです。」 (使徒言行録4:12)








全能の神、すべての命の源である主よ、この世においても次の世においても、主の憐れみと慈しみは絶えることはありません。わたしたちがその治療に関わってきた患者さんのために、主は、わたしたちが求めたり、思ったりすることすべてをはるかに超えて世話してくださっていることを知っています。神よ、特にこの一年間で亡くなられたブレストセンターの患者さんを覚えて祈ります(ことに___)。この患者さんを初め、世を去ったすべての人をその創造主、また救い主である神のみ手にゆだねます。主の限りない憐れみと知恵と力をもって、彼らの上に主の全きの愛のみ旨を成し遂げてください。主イエス・キリストによってお願いいたします。 アーメン 


our citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:20)

I am a huge fan of Brooke Fraser, a young kiwi singer who is also an articulate and passionate Christian poet. In her spare time, she also gets access to clean water for dozens of impoverished communities in Ethiopia and advocates for Rwandan children. You know, that sort of thing.

I've been thinking recently of her "C.S. Lewis Song." In it, she does an astonishingly good job of condensing and putting to music one of Lewis' arguments for God, heaven, faith: namely, that our desire for something higher, better, more permanent, etc. implies the reality of the object of our desire.

Just as the ability to feel hunger and want food implies the existence of food, our longing for union with God, heaven, divine joy implies the existence of those things.
If I find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy,
I can only conclude that I was not made for here
If the flesh that I fight is at best only light and momentary,
then of course I'll feel nude when to where I'm destined I'm compared

In other words, it makes no sense for us to have an ingrained desire for something that has no objective reality.

I think atheists would agree: Yes, it makes no sense. It is senseless.

But it takes a lot of blind faith to believe in that degree of senselessness. I'll stick with the much more likely probability that the desire has a real relationship to the thing that can satisfy the desire.

And so if all our money and material comforts can't satisfy us, if success can't satisfy us, if even romantic love and family don't entirely fill up the hole in our hearts, it must be because the hole is God-shaped.

Of course, Lewis was taking his cue from St. Augustine:
"You have made us for yourself, Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."
But maybe I'm most psyched by the fact that Brooke Fraser knows Lewis and likes him enough to write a song about one of his ideas. He would be well chuffed* to know that--in fact, I imagine he is.

My admiration has almost nothing to do with the fact that she is also stunningly beautiful...

* "chuffed" is New Zealand slang for "pleased and excited"


hopes expressed and realized (Luke 2:15-21)

"On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived." (Luke 2:21)
In biblical culture, the naming of a child expresses hopes for the child's future. The kind of character he will have, the kind of things she will accomplish, what kind of road he will travel. And, what kind of world she will live in. The name "Jesus," which means "God saves," was easily in the top five ranking of popular baby names at the time. That's how much the people of God awaited the day of salvation. At first, only Mary and Joseph and the shepherds knew that the salvation of the world had appeared in Jesus of Nazareth. But from them, eventually this good news would spread to the whole world.





聖路加国際病院 聖ルカ礼拝堂



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  • 人々を自己本位的な思いから解放すること
  • 神から離れている心を立ち帰らせること
  • 日々の感謝を妨げる体や心の病気を治すこと
  • 社会から仲間はずれされている人の友達になること




そういう思いを込めて皆さんに心からMerry Christmasを申し上げます。



降臨第4主日 夕の礼拝






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onward and upward

Here is a nice news segment about the Anglican Church in North America, and how it is growing, especially among college students. The report features a bit about my friend Matt and the church where he and his wife serve, Church of the Good Shepherd in Binghamton, New York, which I had the great pleasure of visiting a few months ago.

Very encouraging stuff...

center of gravity

Some friends were recently talking on Facebook about an atheist's view of death. I thought I could sense an undercurrent of hostility (!) toward Christian faith for being preoccupied with "the afterlife" and therefore not really engaged in this life, this world. "The heavenly minded are no earthly good" kind of vibe.

But that's quite different from my understanding of the Christian faith. I wrote:

The center of gravity for my own faith and, I would argue strongly, of the gospel, is not "life after death" but rather the quality of living, character, and relationships in this life (though not bounded by this life). In other words, authentic human flourishing and growth in virtue. At the same time, I can understand in an age or society dominated by war, famine, and plague, why the accent might shift to "a better world after this one." And, as someone who works on a pediatrics oncology ward, the hope of heaven has never been so visceral to me as it is now. Still, Jesus said the kingdom of God is among you, in the here and now. Love calls us to the things of this world.

That last sentence is the title of an excellent poem by Richard Wilbur, a former poet laureate in the US. You can see him reading the poem here. And the poem itself is below. The story is about a man woken from a sleep in New York by the sound of a neighbor hanging laundry out to dry. The sleeper doesn't want to wake up and return to the world of the day-to-day, but he does, finally. "The soul descends once more in bitter
love / To accept the waking body." Because...

Love Calls Us To The Things Of This World

The eyes open to a cry of pulleys,
And spirited from sleep, the astounded
Hangs for a moment bodiless and
As false dawn.
Outside the open window
The morning air is all awash with

Some are in bed-sheets, some are
in blouses,
Some are in smocks: but truly there
they are.
Now they are rising together in calm
Of halcyon feeling, filling whatever they
With the deep joy of their impersonal

Now they are flying in place,
The terrible speed of their
omnipresence, moving
And staying like white water; and now
of a sudden
They swoon down in so rapt a quiet
That nobody seems to be there.
The soul shrinks

From all that it is about to remember,
From the punctual rape of every
blessed day,
And cries,
"Oh, let there be nothing on
earth but laundry,
Nothing but rosy hands in the rising
And clear dances done in the sight of

Yet, as the sun acknowledges
With a warm look the world's hunks
and colors,
The soul descends once more in bitter
To accept the waking body, saying now
In a changed voice as the man yawns
and rises,

"Bring them down from their ruddy
Let there be clean linen for the backs
of thieves;
Let lovers go fresh and sweet to be
And the heaviest nuns walk in a pure
Of dark habits,
keeping their difficult


reflections on a girl's funeral

I took the stairs down to the hospital mortuary feeling slightly nauseous. It was probably not so much the dread of seeing Sara (not her real name) as fear of facing the grief of her family.

When a child dies, nobody "comes to terms" with it. None of the soothing platitudes make a good fit. "It was her time." "She led a full life." "At least she went peacefully." I've never heard somebody try to put a positive spin on things. Nobody's okay with it.
+   +   +
When I saw her lying there, the breath went out of me like I'd been sucker punched.

She was so small, and still.

Not too long before, we had been exchanging slightly wary nods on the ward. I find it hard to establish a rapport with the girls in the peds ward, at least the older ones. I never know what to say. No more than I did when I was a teenager.

Plus, most of the time the girls stay behind their pink curtains, which might as well be as thick as castle stones. Their own worlds. I can never think up a good excuse to intrude.

So whenever I do get the chance, I make eye contact and nod and smile, and keep waiting for God to create opportunities to be helpful, if I can. Meanwhile I pray, every day, from the sidelines.
+   +   +
The blown-up picture showed Sara with Luke, her beagle. (Her mother said it was "coincidence" that she happened to choose to give her dog the name of the hospital where she would spend the last years of her life. Yeah, right.)

In the photo she was maybe eleven or twelve. Sitting on grass, a park somewhere. Smiling unself-consciously, just because she was with Luke, and it was a good day.

In the photo, there was not even the hint of a shadow of cancer in her eyes.
+   +   +
At the wake, I was looking out at all of Sara's schoolfriends who came. Pretty much all of her classmates from middleschool, I learned later. All the way from out in West Tokyo, more than an hour away by train.

Now, except for Sara, they had all gone off to various highschools, as freshmen, so they were wearing different school uniforms. But they all looked pretty much the same. Most of the girls' skirts were too short. Most of the boys' hair was too long and scruffy. Typical high school kids, in other words.

As each one came up to lay a flower in front of Sara's picture, pretty much all the girls were crying. Some were in bad shape. All the boys looked uncomfortable. A few of them had "deer in the headlights" expressions.

As I watched them, I felt a kind of anger welling up inside. Or maybe it was sadness, or frustration. I don't know, really. A tightening in the pit of the stomach.

"These kids' shouldn't have to be here," I thought. "They shouldn't have to be here, and Sara shouldn't have to be in this pine box up here. She should be out there, with them. They should all be hanging out in a park somewhere, or at MacDonald's. Copying each others' homework. Girls talking about boys. Boys talking about sports. Nobody should be here."
+   +   +
The funeral was quieter. Most of Sara's friends were back in school.

I nearly lost it halfway through the sermon. I was talking about Sara's courage, and the courage of her family. And suddenly I was struck by the sheer unfairness of what each of them had been called to deal with. And for what end? All that sacrifice and determination and and love-in-action--and still she died.

Tears sprang into my eyes. I couldn't see my sermon text. My nose started running. I felt like an idiot. Somehow I pushed on and got through.
+   +   +
Sara's father and little brother rode in the Hearse to the crematorium. Her mother drove herself. Somehow, that struck me as strange. So quotidien.
+   +   +
While waiting at the crematorium, the girl's mother told me she found out from the Chapel website that she (the mother) and I were the same age. We both smiled at that. But under the surface of that smile, feelings so shadowy and complex that I couldn't begin to sort through them.

Two forty-somethings, sitting down having tea. Her oldest child in a furnace downstairs.
+   +   +
As I watched them put Sara's bones into the white ceramic urn, I thought: Well, we finally managed to destroy this particular batch of cancer cells. And all it cost was...
+   +   +
Blessed Mary, you know the pain of losing a child. Yea, the sword of grief has pierced through thine own soul also. Pray for the family of Sara, and for us all. Pray for your Son to come again, and soon.




① イエスご自身がいやしの祈りをものすごく大事にしておられたから...



② イエスの弟子たちもその働きをそのまま引き継いだから...




③ イエスはその教会に命じられたから...

「全世界に行って、すべての造られたものに福音を宣べ伝えなさい...[そうする人たちには]次のようなしるしが伴う...病人に手を置けば治る。」(マコ16:15a, 17, 18b)














in the system

Working in a hospital, one thing I've discovered is: medical records are never destroyed. It doesn't matter if the patient dies, or moves to the North Pole, or gets abducted by aliens. Once a record is created, it's there in the system. Until the end of the world.

One further oddity about medical records, at least where I work, is that they never stop counting your age. When a patient dies, of course the pronouncement of death is noted in the chart. But the record continues to show the patient's current age, as if he or she were still alive.

I think that's an interesting analogy for human existence. Once we receive life in the womb, we are "in God's system"--forever. Each chapter in the story of our lives is recorded indelibly in God's memory. Just like the memories of those we care about stay with us--except that, unlike us, God's memory is perfect and never fails.

And even when we die, when our bodies finally break down, we are not deleted from the mind of God. On the contrary, we remain in Him, and our stories continue to be recorded. Because to God, we are still alive. "Now he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for all live to him" (Luke 20:38).

The story that God wants to tell through us goes on--even after the end of the world.












two kinds of slow

"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

"Sorry." "It's okay." Much of man's fellowship with God circles around these two words. We repent. God forgives us. But when we do, our respective attitudes are miles apart. So often we manage to pout even while we repent, and to seek forgiveness even while only half believing we need it. We grudgingly admit our sin, all the time aware of the much greater sin of others. We are slow to turn our hearts back to God. God is slow, too, but slow to anger. In forgiving us, God is as swift as lightning and as unstinting as a heavy downpour. Like a lover, His heart is set on making things right with us.





deck chair, titanic

An American priest once told me about a vision he had. He was a down to earth kind of guy, not really given to visions. But he told me about what he believed was a real vision from God, which happened while he was at a gathering of clergy in his Diocese (which rhymes with Kerjin-ya).

In the vision his fellow clergy were sitting around a table, passing around a huge mason jar. Everybody was stuffing the jar with cash. When the jar was full, somebody took it and started squirting lighter fluid into it. Then, they set it on fire. Everybody watched the cash burn.

The priest who told me about it was horrified: You're burning the money! This is a waste! This is sinful!

His interpretation: The clergy gatherings were a complete waste of time and energy. From that day, he stopped going.

I was thinking of his vision at the Tokyo diocesan synod today. Over a hundred clergy and lay people together from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. And what did we accomplish that will have any meaningful impact on anyone's life? Hmm...

The highlight of the day for me was the opening prayer, which includes these words:
Increase the numbers of those who believe in Thee, heal those who are troubled in mind or body, bless the children, restore those who have fallen into evil and turn them toward the good, bring back those who have wandered far from Thee, forgive those who repent, and grant that all who live in this land may share in your salvation.
The rest of the day had absolutely nothing to do with any of those things. Instead, we rearranged deck chairs on the Titanic. Hearing reports from a dozen committees. Changing the way the diocesan tax (I mean, assessment) is calculated. Drawing down more funds to cover expenses.

The last order of business was a resolution to send the Government some Statement about getting rid of nuclear power plants. I never speak at these meetings, but I stood up to speak against this resolution--because the drafters didn't manage to craft the actual language we were supposed to send.

I don't know whether the government should abandon nuclear energy. I do know neither the government nor anyone else in Japan will give a flying fig about what the Tokyo Diocese of the Nippon Sei Ko Kai has to say about it.

We represent less than 5,000 people in a country of 120 million. We should be worried about growing in holiness, proclaiming the Gospel, loving our neighbors--you know, living as Christians.

Not sending out meaningless statements on diocesan letterhead. And not wasting a whole day focusing on nothing of substance.


and I mean to be one too (1 john 3:1-3)

Back at my home church of St. Alban's last Sunday. Got to preach in English for the first time in a while! They were observing the Feast of All Saint's that Sunday.

We're celebrating All Saints today. We're actually five days late. Somehow we manage to observe Halloween on October 31, but find it harder to celebrate the feast of All Saints on it's proper day, November 1...

Oh well, better late than never!

DO YOU WANT TO BE A SAINT? I remember a song we used to sing in Church when I was a child (singing): "I sing a song of the saints of God, / patient and brave and true, / who toiled and fought and lived and died / for the Lord they loved and knew."

Do you know that song? It goes on to list a lot of different vocations: One was a doctor, one was a queen, one was a soldier, one was a priest, etc.

The last words were (singing): "...and I mean to be one, too."

The question I want to ask today is: Do you? Mean to be a saint, that is?

CREATURES, BUT NOT CHILDRENSometimes you hear well-meaning Christians say things like "every person is a child of God." It sounds nice. I suspect such statements come from a desire to affirm the dignity and value of every person, and not to come off as arrogant or closed-minded.

These are good desires. We should affirm the dignity and value of every person. We shouldn't be arrogant or closed-minded

But when we say "every person is a child of God," I think we're claiming more than what the Bible allows us to claim. And when we start going beyond what God has revealed to us, we run the risk of actually obscuring the truth, replacing reality as it is with our own preferred version of reality.

And if we start out with a false or distorted version of reality, we have far less chance of making smart choices about things that really matter.

I think we can say with confidence that every person is a CREATURE of God, made by God, in His image, and therefore with inherent dignity. And we can go further and claim that every person is LOVED by God. "For God so loved the world (which means all people in it) that He gave His only begotten Son." (John 3:16). 

But I think we're on very shaky ground when we say every person is a child of God...

Sons and daughters love their parents and seek to please them, make them proud. They seek ways to be helpful to their parents. They look to their parents for direction. They are quick to obey.

(That is to say, good children are quick to obey. My children, well...not so much. When I tell my seven-year-old to take his foot out of his sister's ear, I mean "now" but he thinks, "in a few minutes, when it gets boring.")

Sons and daughters come to bear a family resemblance, in terms of the way they speak and act, and set their priorities. Sons and daughters mature in the character of their parents.

In this sense, the Bible very clearly says human beings are NOT children of God. We do not seek to please Him and serve Him in the world. We do not resemble God in our words and actions. We do not reflect God's character.

At the very least, I think we have to say that, if are children of God, we are children who have turned our backs on our home, and squandered our inheritance, and are living as prodigal sons and daughters in a far country.

Like the prodigal son in Jesus' parable, if we are honest most of us would have to confess: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son" (Luke 15:21).

I know that's been true of my life.

EVEN SO, CALLED CHILDRENThe amazingly good news of Jesus Christ is stated straight out in our Epistle today: "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God." (3:1)

I want you to take some time simply to savor that. "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God."

Even people like us, unworthy as we are, can be called children of God--and that is all down, not to anything we do or don't do, but to the sheer, incredible love of the Father. And because God in His love has called us His children, "that is now what we are."

Please get this, because it's important: We WERE NOT children of God, we WEREN'T WORTHY to be called His children, but now we ARE His children because out of love He has CHOSEN TO CALL us His children.

At the beginning of his Gospel, John puts it this way: "To all who have received [Jesus Christ]--those who believe in his name--he has given the right to become God's children." (John 1:12)

Notice there are no conditions attached to this. "To ALL who have received Jesus."

You can't get more inclusive than that. There is no discrimination here. Nobody is shut out or told "you can't belong."

In biblical terms, the "name" of Jesus signifies the meaning of His life work, and above all His atoning death on the cross. Jesus' name literally means "God saves," and to believe in His name is to bet the farm on the salvation He won for us through His death.

When Jesus came into the world, in fact, He was traveling into the far country where all of us prodigal sons and daughters live, far away from the love of the Father, spiritually starving, morally impoverished, dishonored, disgraced, caught up in a cycle of wounding and sorrow and selfishness and hard-heartedness.

Jesus came into this far country to lead us all home again. The cross became the road home for us.

You don't have to understand exactly how that works--it's hard for me to wrap my head around it a lot of the time--you just have to know that it was for you, too, and receive the gift of salvation from His hands.

CHILDREN, AND SO BECOMING SAINTSSo, because of God's love reaching out to us through Jesus Christ, we have been put into a new status with God: "Beloved, we are God's children now" (1 John 3:2) .

But the Good News doesn't end there:
"Beloved, we are God's children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when Jesus is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. And all who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure." (3:2-3)

We are children of God, and as His children, we are all heading in a certain direction. The details of where we're going aren't clear. There are probably lots of things we can't fully understand from our present vantage point. What's important is that we will be like Jesus.

John talks about "purifying" ourselves. I don't know about you, but hearing the word "purity" instantly makes me think of goody-goody, holier-than-thou types—the kind of people I tend to want to avoid.

(I think this is one of the devil's linguistic victories, actually, to associate perfectly good words like "purity" with mostly negative connotations. Kind of like "holy" is associated with "holier-than-thou" and "righteous" morphs into "self-righteous".)

So it helped me to me as I was thinking about this sermon to focus the phrase "just as He is pure." Just as Jesus is pure. I think of Jesus as someone who was able to laugh from the belly, but without mockery. Who was brilliant without being cynical. Shrewd without being jaded. Who understood the ways of the world and of the human heart better than anyone else on earth, but was always capable of experiencing simple joys.

Jesus said: "Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it" (Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17)

Maybe part of being a child of God means recovering this kind of purity--the ability to enjoy the simple blessings of life, the ability to take life as it comes...and the ability to obey in small, daily things.

Where we are heading is on a need-to-know basis. Simple obedience is all that's expected of us. (I'll date myself if I draw a comparison to Karate Kid: Wash on. Wash off. Or in the new Karate Kid--actually Kung Fu Kid: Put on jacket. Take off jacket. The boy didn't know what the destination was. He simply had to obey.)

Earlier in his Letter, John wrote: "Whoever says, 'I abide in Christ,' ought to walk just as he walked" (2:6). Here is where the Sermon on the Mount is PURE GOLD to a child of God, seeking to walk as Christ walked.

We read the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount this morning, the so-called "Beatitudes" of chapter 5. The Sermon goes on through chapter 7.

The Sermon on the Mount is a roadmap for living life with a child's heart, a child's purity. It's kind of like a GPS navigation system for aspiring to Christlikeness. It marks off the road of purity and joy, and it also warns against the dead ends and dangers of the world, which lead us away from God.

Leon Bloy, a 20th century French writer, once said “the only tragedy in life is not to become a saint.” Becoming a saint is about realizing our deepest, greatest potential, becoming who we were truly destined to be. What a shame it would be to miss out on that.

At the end of the day, becoming a saint is not about what you do--you can be a doctor, or a queen, or a soldier, or a priest, or whatever--but it's about how much love you do it with. And God--who is Love, as John writes in this letter--who comes to dwell with His children, and in us, is always ready to give us His love to do all the things we do to please Him.

The saint, the child of God who, with God's help, tries and keeps trying to walk just as Christ walked, has this to look forward to: He, she will see God as He is. And God is more beautiful, more delightful, more satisfying, than anything we can possibly imagine.

The saints we remember today are already there! Do you mean to be one too?


Sveiks! to my Latvian readers

From time to time, I check the record of traffic to Still a Long Way Off.

As far as I know, there are about four people in Japan who know about this blog. One of them is my wife. And even fewer people in the States (although my friend Anne at An Undercurrent of Hostility kindly linked to me from her blog--I will return the favor when I can work out how to...)

With the global reach of Internet search engines, I'm not surprised to get the occasional random visitor. I seem to get a lot of Japanese-language visitors who are searching on particular Bible passages.

I get the occasional European or Latin American visitor.

I get a fairly steady, tiny trickle of visitors from South Korea (감사합니다)

But I am mystified as to why I suddenly had 30--thirty!--visitors from Latvia last week. Or maybe it was one Latvian guy who kept coming back for seconds? Or better yet, a beautiful Latvian maiden desperate for theological enlightenment?

Seriously, why the sudden interest? Did my secret past as a CIA spy operating in Eastern Europe suddenly turn up on Wikileaks? Does the word "Kevin" mean something amusing in Latvian? Did I do something horribly offensive?

Well, all I can say is: Paldies! Let me know what you think, and why I had the pleasure of your visit.

Uz redzēšanos! Ceru, ka drīz atkal tiksimies!





(ヨハネ・パウロ第二世の「体の神学」を説き明かすクリストファー・ウェストのホームページを参照しました。特にこの記事:"What is the Theology of the Body & Why is it Changing so Many Lives?")

no marrying in heaven (Luke 20:35)

From my study of Luke 20 this week...

"Those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage." (Luke 20:35)
On that day, our longing for union will not be jettisoned--it will be fulfilled. The mystery of marriage is merely an earthly sign of the heavenly reality. When we are in heaven, we will no longer need signs. The "marriage feast of the Lamb" (Rev 19:7)--the union of love we all seek--will be consummated. All who are bound to Christ will be bound to one another, forming the community of the redeemed, the holy city of God, the Bride of the Lamb, who is Christ. The miracle of becoming one flesh that husband and wife experience on earth is a foreshadowing of this (Eph 5:31-32). For us, this will be a completely new experience, but it will also bear a recognizable resemblance to the deep, intimate, child-producing union experienced by husband and wife in this life.  
h/t Christopher West's website dedicated to Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body." See the article "What is the Theology of the Body & Why is it Changing so Many Lives?"


left behind: tsunami stories (V)

A volunteer from the nursing college was visiting an evacuation shelter a couple of months after the tsunami. There, she met an elderly couple. Both of them had mobility issues due to their legs.

When the earthquake struck, they were at home with their daughter. As the tsunami warnings started sounding, the daughter grew worried about her son, their grandson, and decided to go pick him up.

She helped both her parents get up on the low table in the dining room, in case the waters came in and the floor got wet. Then she set out in her car to find her son.

The tsunami came rushing into their house, and the old couple found themselves being lifted up, along with the table, all the way to the ceiling. Like a raft.

The water was about to engulf them, too, and they were sure they were going to drown. But then it suddenly receded, setting the table gently back down on the floor again.

Although the inside of the house was in shambles, the two of them were wet but unharmed.

But their daughter and grandson never came home.

The grandmother couldn't stop crying as she related this story in the shelter. "It should've been us who died," she kept repeating. 

The grandfather just kept rubbing his useless legs, saying nothing.

the wisdom of babes

Chaplain's Message from the November 2011 issue of "Akarui Mado (Bright Window)", the hospital's staff-oriented newsletter.

Before I became a father, I really didn't pay much attention to babies. I had never really spent much time around them, actually. Guys don't usually spend hours fawning over the newborn children of their friends.

I thought babies were cute, sure. Like puppies or harp seals or those Kobito Zukan (gnome) characters. Cute, but not all that interesting. And I figured, in the end, their cuteness was probably outweighed by stinky diapers and sleep deprivation and endless screaming.

But then my first child was born, and I got to spend time with a baby for the first time. I got to hold him, and rock him to sleep, and give him the bottle, and listen to his little breathing sounds. I got to let him sleep on my chest. He rode on my shoulders.

And I had to change lots of diapers and lose sleep and put up with screaming. But I didn't mind so much.

I discovered that this baby was fascinating. That all babies are fascinating. They are little mysteries. They never get boring.

But babies grow up and become Little People. Still fun to be with, to be sure, but not nearly so mysterious.

Recently I got the chance to hold my friend's seven-month-old daughter at a church festival. She was very calm, not nervous around strangers at all. She was content to let me hold her and walk around.

(I went around introducing this very Asian-looking little girl as my daughter—"She takes after me, don't you think?" and enjoyed seeing the confused look on people's faces.)

One of the things I find so interesting about babies is their utter acceptance of reality, and their total trust in their parents.

Later in life, we start trying to change our environment. Younger children try to use words like magic to change things. "That WASN'T the last strawberry! It WASN'T! There's more!" I takes them a while to discover that that doesn't work, but when they do, they start learning to influence people in other ways, with begging, threats, pressure, argument, the exchange of favors.

In fact, they're no different from grownups. It's just that grownups get more skilled in these tactics.

And children also learn to doubt their parents, because sometimes our parents do what we want, and sometimes they do what's best for us, even when it's not what we want.

Anyway, we learn to see our environment as something changeable, and we learn to see the people around us as at least somewhat untrustworthy.

But what I wonder is, do we lose something important in this learning process?

It seems to me that babies are born with a certain kind of knowing--not knowledge, or information, or rational conclusions, but a kind of direct intuition.

Knowing, for example, that there is Someone greater than us, Someone on whom our life depends--and realizing that this Someone knew us before we knew Him, and called us by name before we even knew we had names

Knowing that when we cry out for help or comfort, our cry will never go unheard.

Knowing that whatever comes up in life, in the end, all will be well. We may taste pain, or hunger, or fear, or sadness, or loneliness, or separation, for a time, but finally, all will be well. We will never be abandoned.

Sometimes when I have the rare opportunity to hold a baby, I wonder, have I lost sight of something important in the process of growing up. And I think, can I get it back somehow?






















kindergarten in a hotspot: tsunami stories (IV)

The following is an excerpt of a documentary I was recently asked to translate into English:

Kohriyama is home to Saint Paul's Kindergarten. The school is located in one of the city's so-called radioactive "hotspots."

School employees carry out decontamination efforts every single day. Both in the morning and in the evening, they break into teams to wash the entire school building. They also wipe down all surfaces inside the classrooms.

The children wear masks to school. Even the children understand that masks are helpful in avoiding contact with radioactive materials.

The high radiation levels at the school weren't discovered until more than a month after the nuclear meltdown. Inspectors from the Education ministry informed the kindergarten about the radiation amounts. The topsoil of the school grounds was immediately dug up and removed.

But no one would agree to dispose of the topsoil, so it sat in a pile in a corner of the school grounds.

Radiation measurements taken of the dirt pile were high enough to be reported in the news.

After searching for a solution to the disposal problem, the school finally decided to seal the contaminated dirt in thick rubber sheeting and bury it deep underground in an area next to the school.

Now that the dirt has been taken away, radiation levels on the school grounds are down to zero-point-three microsieverts.

For a while, requests from parents to take their children out of the kindergarten were increasing. But now that decontamination efforts have brought radiation levels down, the parents' anxiety has turned into a deepened sense of trust.
[The head of the kindergarten:] "For these children who can't leave and go somewhere else, I thought, how can we let them run around and play--how can we make sure they have a safe place to be? We've just got to clean things up and bring the levels down. That's basically the only thing I worry about every day.
We're fighting a horror that we can't see. If it had color we could wipe it up, or at least keep from touching it. If it had a bad smell we could go inside... But it's nothing like that. That's what makes it so scary."

playing funeral: tsunami stories (III)

The following is an excerpt of a documentary I was recently asked to translate into English:

On the first day back, childcare students from St. Mary's College in Nagoya came to volunteer at the kindergarten.

Their reason for coming so far to this place? They wanted to be with the children who had gone through the experience of the tsunami. What surprised the college students was how the children played during break times: "Pretend Funeral" was a popular game…
"What do you want to play? Funeral? Medicine?"
"There wasn't any medicine at Grandma and Grandpa's funeral!"
Eight children from Fuji Kindergarten died in the tsunami. For many people, starting up the school again brought very mixed feelings.
[The head of the kindergarten:] "Should we really go ahead with this after eight of our children died? Part of me thinks we shouldn't. We had about 50 children there, scared to death in the buses… We hadn't done anything at all to provide psychological care for them."
"We have a big responsibility toward the children who lived, who are alive."
It's important to focus on the here and now for the children who lived, who are alive. That's probably what Junko Nakaso, who died while trying to save her children's lives, would have wanted.

last bus ride: tsunami stories (II)

The following is an excerpt of a documentary I was recently asked to translate into English:

Minoru and Yoshimi Miyake, whose lives were lost in the tsunami, were devoted members of St. John's. Their daughter, Junko Nakaso, was also one of the victims of the tsunami.

Junko worked as a teacher at Fuji Kindergarten in Yamamoto-cho, a town just north of Shinchi-machi. On March 11, Junko and her colleagues were riding the bus home with 18 children from the kindergarten when the tsunami struck.

Reports say that the bus and all its passengers were swept along by the tsunami and struck a house, and then began slowly filling with water.

In ice-cold weather, Junko worked to get all the children safely out of the bus. While waiting for help to come, she sought to encourage the children and keep them calm. Military rescue efforts began the next morning.

By that time, Junko had already been called home to be with the Lord.

holding on: tsunami stories (I)

The following is an excerpt of a documentary I was recently asked to translate into English:

Minami Sanriku-cho in Miyagi Prefecture. Nearly three quarters of the homes in this town were lost in the tsunami.

One of the town's residents is Kiyomi Suzuki. When the tsunami struck, he barely escaped. That day, when he sensed the danger of a tsunami, Suzuki hurried to reach higher ground. He climbed to where the factory of his handicapped son was.

When he got to the top of the hill, Suzuki turned to see the tsunami pouring in over the town below. Just a few minutes later, he says, the tsunami had risen all the way to his feet.
"Uh-oh, I thought. This is not good. Then all of a sudden it came rushing up to where I was."
Desperate, Suzuki ran to the buildings behind him, but the rushing water soon rose as high as he was.
"When I got here, the water was already up over my head. So I was being pushed along with the wave…I was floating in brown water. And then I saw this [drain pipe].
Until I got here, two or three times I came close to drowning. I thought I was going to die. Oh, so this is what it's like to die, I thought. I was almost ready to give up. And then I found this drain pipe. I thought, I've got to grab onto this. I grabbed it like this… And then, a few seconds later, whoosh! The water went down. All that water, and then it was gone. There was nothing left around here. It all happened so fast. In the blink of an eye."


a call to arms (luke 4:14-21)

St. Luke's Hospital Anniversary Service
October 26, 2011 3:00 p.m.

(Note: This address was given at the worship service celebrating the anniversary of St. Luke's International Hospital. On this occasion, employees who have worked 10, 20, and 30 years were recognized, as were volunteers who have served from 100 hours to 22,000 hours. In attendance were the chairman of the board, the president and vice-presidents, and various department heads, as well the long-term employees recognized and many of the 380 volunteers who serve the hospital.)

We just read about Jesus declaring war.

Like many a politician, at the start of his public career Jesus returns to his hometown, to Nazareth, the place where he might expect his strongest support base. There, he gives his inaugural speech. He goes public with his agenda, lays out his vision for the road ahead.

And the vision he lays out is one of war.

But what kind of war? Not the kind of war his fellow countrymen were hoping for, one that would liberate them from the yoke of Roman imperial oppression. Not the kind of war that involves airstrikes, or guerilla attacks, or indeed any shedding of enemy blood. Not the kind of war that involves the toppling of governments or the seizing of territory.

Not that kind of war. But if not that kind of war, then what kind? Look at what Jesus says:
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor" (Luke 4:18-19)
So, he's talking about fighting a war against grinding poverty; against debilitating sickness; against physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage; against social oppression and injustice. In other words, it is a war against the powers of darkness that rule the human race with an iron hand.

What do all these things have in common? They distort the human person. They make it impossible to live humanly, in freedom. Jesus is going to war to restore the human person, a being with dignity and value and purpose. A being, in short, made in the image of God.

This is the fundamental understanding revealed to us by God in the Bible: Every human person is a being of great wonder and irreplaceable value, beloved by his Creator, made with care and intent.

At the same time the Bible reveals that every human person, and humanity as a whole, is set upon by powers of darkness, powers that work against God's purposes and seek to deface and destroy God's creation. And, precisely because human beings are created in God's image and endowed by God with dignity and value, these powers of darkness strive hard to rob us of our humanness.

This is the understanding revealed to us by the light of Holy Scripture.

These powers of darkness wage battle on many fronts. They work through individual sin and moral weakness and greed, through self-interest and a disinterest in the suffering of others. They work through injustice, and social evils such as strife, hunger, poverty. They work through so-called tragedies such as sickness and natural disasters.

Jesus at the beginning of his career stands up against all these forms of evil and declares: No more!

And every thing Jesus did from this point on in his life was a full-scale assault on these forces of darkness. He healed the sick. He set free those who were in bondage to evil spirits. He befriended the friendless. He comforted the grieving and those who were afraid. He hung out with people society considered worthless, the losers. He taught generosity in the sharing of material blessings. He condemned leaders who failed in their duty to protect the weak.

This was Jesus' lifework, his mission, his war.

It is our war, too. This hospital was founded to be a stronghold, an outpost in the war against the powers of darkness that threaten the human person. So, as a hospital we are also called to fight, taking our cue from Jesus Christ: 
  • We are called to carry out medical approaches that foster health, cure disease, and aid long life. 
  • We are called to alleviate pain and improve the quality of life of those who suffer. 
  • We are called to help patients and their families face the end of life with courage and dignity. 
  • We are called to help realize the physical, emotional, and spiritual flourishing of each patient, in their particular family and social contexts.
All of us have roles to play in this mission. All of us are part of the fight for the dignity of the human person. Medical teams, the support staff that make it possible to provide care, the volunteers who bring such warmth and humanity into the clinical environment.

So this hospital is called to engage in the war. But so is each one of us. We fight back against the powers of darkness whenever we, as individuals, take hold of the life we have been given, and respond with gratitude in service to others. Each of us can become an outpost of light in the darkness when we use our God-given talents and time in the service of human flourishing.

God gives wisdom and courage to those who are willing to join in the fight against the darkness. Once again, let us pray together for that wisdom and courage, and ask God's blessing on our work in the year to come.
















  • 人々の健康を促進し、病を治して、長寿の助けとなる医療を行うよう求められています。
  • 痛み・苦しみを緩和して、病気にかかっている人のQOLを上げるよう求められています。
  • 患者さんやその家族が、勇気と尊厳を持って人生の最期を迎えることを支えるよう求められています。
  • 一人一人の患者さんの置かれている家族環境、社会環境で、その身体的、精神的、スピリチュアルな幸福(well-being)を支えるよう求められています。




sermon preview: all you need to know

"All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments" (Matt 22:40)

"All the Law and the Prophets" is shorthand for the whole Jewish Bible. In other words, the commands to love God and love neighbor sum up everything God wanted made known in the history of His people. Saved out of suffering and bondage in Egypt, the people of God learned that they had a God who was imminently worthy of their worship and their love—whose loving-kindness went out ahead of any human attempt to respond. For those who have been freed from bondage and brought into friendship with God, the only fitting response after worship is to try to live together with the same care and compassion.





get dressed and come to the party (matt 22:1-14)

(Translated from the Japanese. Translation note: The word "manners" (manaa) in Japanese has a much stronger moral connotation than in contemporary English. To have bad manners is a sin against community, a reflection, not just of poor education but of poor character.)

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (Year A, Proper 23)
St. Luke's International Hospital Chapel
October 9, 2011– 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

I still have a clear memory from when I was a toddler. One night, like usual, my parents put me to sleep in their bedroom, in my baby bed, the kind with fence around it like a jail cell.

I think I must have slept and then woken up, but suddenly I became aware of something that made the blood run cold in my veins. Across the dark room, sitting on my Mom's big chair, was a huge, black gorilla. He must've weighed 300 kg. He was absolutely still, just staring at me.

I thought, "I have to be quiet! If I make a noise, he's gonna get up and come over here…"

I sat in the darkness for what seemed like hours, staring at the gorilla, ready to scream if he moved. I was terrified. Finally, I decided I had to make a break for it…

It took me a while to screw up my courage. Then, I climbed over the fence, jumped to the floor, and ran. I ran like the wind down the hall, turned the corner, dashed into the living room--where I found myself in a brightly lit room full of people, all talking and laughing. A fire was going in the hearth. There was popcorn out. People were drinking wine and egg nog.

It was December 31. My parents were having a New Year's Eve party.

I reported the gorilla to Mom and Dad. They were…skeptical. But I begged them, so we all went back to the bedroom and turned on light. Wouldn't you know it, that clever gorilla had put some shopping bags on the chair and covered it with my father's raincoat to make it LOOK sort of gorilla-like. So, he could make a clean getaway without rousing suspicion.
 (NOTE: The congregation was absolutely silent at this point. No smile or chuckle anywhere. Yikes!)
 +   +   +
So, before, I was in darkness, alone, afraid, paralyzed by fear. I thought I might get hurt or die. I felt trapped, powerless, small.

Then suddenly, I was in the middle of a party. People were happy. I was set free from fear. I even got to eat popcorn and drink root beer!

I suspect that the people who responded to Jesus' call to enter into the Kingdom of God had a similar experience--only a much, much bigger, better experience.

Let us recall that the Kingdom of God is not a place found on a map and it's not somewhere you go after you die. The Kingdom of God is friendship with God, and fellowship with God's friends, here and now. To be in the Kingdom is to be free from the weight of guilt, reconciled to God, and living a common life centered around mutual love and service.

Imagine you're living in Palestine 2,000 years ago. Now imagine you're a hated tax-collector, or a prostitute, or a so-called bad apple, or a loser, or a foreigner.

There are some Jews who seem to have it all together. They obey every last commandment in the Torah, and even all the rules and regulations set up to make sure they never even come close to breaking a commandment. They pray seven times a day, tithe 10% of EVERYTHING, never even so much as carry a fig on the Sabbath, never contaminate themselves with profane things or interact with sinners. They're above all the grime and sin of the world.

But not you. You're right in the thick of it. Maybe it was the family you were born into, or maybe it was bad decisions you made, or maybe somebody wronged you, or maybe you just messed up--but you're a sinner. You know it. Everybody around you knows it.

And one thing seems certain. The Pharisees are in good with God, but sinners can't approach Him. Just as a flaming sword barred Adam and Eve from going back to the garden (Gen 3:24), your sinfulness stands between you and God, blocking your way, keeping you from grace.

As a sinner, you may not even WANT to approach God. After they sinned, Adam and Eve hid from God. Guilt is like a 300 kg gorilla that keeps us cowering in a corner. We know that, as a sinner, to encounter God is to encounter wrath, to encounter judgment.

But then Jesus of Nazareth comes along and says: "Come! Repent and enter the Kingdom. Come and be friends with the Father. His love is a lot bigger than your sinfulness. Repent, receive forgiveness, join the Kingdom party."

Well, would you accept Jesus' invitation?
+   +   +
In Jesus' day, the ones who refuse the invitation are the ones who seem to have it all together. They think they have a right to enter the Kingdom of God, so they don't need an invitation. I don't need an invitation to sit at my own dining table.

So God's invitation falls on deaf ears. In the parable Jesus tells, the king (=God) even condescends to plead with the invited guests. "Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet" (Matt 22:4).

"But they paid no attention and went off" (Matt 22:5).

But you don't earn your way into the Kingdom. It's strictly by invitation only, and the fastest way to get yourself uninvited is to act like you've got a right to be there. The Pharisees had no time for Jesus--or for John the Baptist either, for that matter--saying "Repent!" They were like: "Repent? Of what?"

"The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come," says the Lord.
+   +   +
So, entering into the Kingdom is by invitation only. But just look at who God invites:
"'Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.' So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests" (Matt 22:9-10).

The bad as well as the good. Normal people, as well as prostitutes, tax-collectors, sinners, losers, foreigners, and bad apples. "Anyone." Even people like you and me!

There is no minimum requirement for entering the festival of the Kingdom. All you've got to do is accept the invitation.

What that means is: Churches are always going to be full of sinners. A few really good people, a few really awful sorts, and a lot of folks somewhere in between. And if you don't like some of the people sitting here this morning...well, the king is the one who gets to do the inviting.

So, there's no requirement to be saved. And that's what the Kingdom invitation is, isn't it? To come in from the darkness and hopelessness of a life of serving yourself, and to enter friendship with God, and fellowship with God's friends, and a life of serving others in love.

Aside from saying, "Well, okay" to the invitation, there are no other requirements to be saved.

Well, actually, there are requirements, pretty steep ones--and Christ satisfied them all on the cross on our behalf. His blood quenched the fiery sword that barred sinners from grace. His light has conquered the darkness. He has taken away the 300 kg gorilla of guilt.

Thanks to Christ, our encounter with God is no longer an encounter with wrath and judgment, but an encounter with forgiveness and mercy.
+   +   +
So the requirement for salvation has been fulfilled. Nothing remains for us to do other than accepting the invitation.

There are, however, manners befitting those who've been saved. I want you to stay with me through this last turn: There's absolutely nothing we can do, no work that can earn salvation, earn a place at the banquet table. But there are manners that are expected of the guests.
"But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless" (Matt 22:11-12).

What exactly are these wedding clothes? I think St. Paul can help us out here:
Kill off everything connected with the life that leads to death: sexual promiscuity, impurity, lust, doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, and grabbing whatever attracts your fancy…It's because of this kind of thing that God is about to explode in anger. It wasn't long ago that you were doing all that stuff and not knowing any better. But you know better now, so make sure it's all gone for good: bad temper, irritability, meanness, profanity, dirty talk. Don't lie to one another. You're done with that old life. It's like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you've stripped off and put in the fire. Now you're dressed in a new wardrobe. Every item of your new way of life is custom-made by the Creator, with his label on it. All the old fashions are now obsolete….
  So [since you have been invited by God,] dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. (Colossians 3:5-14)
Christ has invited us to the wedding baquet. He has given us new clothes to wear, given us the strength to live as new people. Why would we show up wearing our old, grubby street clothes? Why would we keep on living in all the same ways as before?

Lord, help us to appreciate the feast that you have prepared for us. Help us to understand the joys of life with you.


司祭 ケビン・シーバー
2011年10月9日・10時30分 聖餐式







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the soccer ball

One of my young friends wrote a story, called "The Soccer Ball." Her aunt puts books on computer for people with vision disabilities, and now the story is on You Tube, too. It's a story about an ethical dilemma, and holds some real tension at points. The author is also reading the story. Someone else did the graphics.

Check it out!

hey, thanks

I was up for three or four hours last night, in pain. First, I thought it was heartburn, which I almost never get. Eventually, it felt like my stomach was being twisted like a washcloth.

I tried to ignore the pain for awhile but couldn't. I tried shifting positions. Sitting up. Drinking water. Walking around. Nothing helped.

After a while, the pain got so intense I started to worry. I'll have to get my fellow chaplain to take morning prayer, to give the talk at the noonday concert. And what about the wedding tomorrow? Can I celebrate while doubling over in agony?

Finally, it hurt so much I thought I might scream.

At that point (why did I wait?), I prayed. Jesus, take away this pain. Jesus, just take away the pain enough so I can rest a little.

After one last agonizing stab, the pain started receding. Like an electric stove when you turn off the burner.

Within five minutes, the pain was completely gone, and I fell asleep.

Hey, thanks, Jesus.











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back to india

Mari shows me pictures from last year's school album. She was eight then, and had long, dark hair. She's nine now. Her smile hasn't changed at all. She's smiling all the time, with her eyes and her whole face.

Mari was going to an international school in India before she got sick. She has three best friends. One is Japanese, like Mari, and the other two are Korean.

It turns out that the Japanese girl used to school with a boy who was also treated for leukemia at St. Luke's. "It's a small world!" Mari and I say it at exactly the same time. She giggles, and I am very happy.

"India is a country of wonder," she says in Japanese (fushigi no kuni). She mostly speaks English with me, though. Neither of us has other people to speak English to.

She has an unidentifiable accent, a little British, a little American, and little Indian, a little Japanese. Her English is miles better than her Mama's, but I can tell they enjoying sharing a foreign language. They can both speak a bit of Hindi, too. I am jealous.

Mari waxes poetic as she describes Indian food. She's okay with spicy hot, she says proudly. She's very careful to distinguish North Indian from South Indian cuisine. I wish I were more cosmopolitan so I could understand the difference better. Nan versus rice, is about as much as I could pick up.

Mari has finished all her chemo. It went well, and we're all just waiting for her white blood cell count to return to normal. She doesn't know how to say "white blood cell count" in English. Of course. She never had to give it a thought before. Nine year old children shouldn't have to learn such words.

All this waiting, and praying...it is a river of anxiety, half-born sorrow that flows through our lives, just under the surface. We all silently agree not to acknowledge it very much. It could drown us.

Merciful God, please keep the light of Mari's smile shining in this world. In Japan. In India. In my heart.


sermon preview: salvation and good manners

"But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. He asked, 'How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?'" (Matt 22:11-12)
There's no minimum requirement for entering the festival of God's Kingdom. On the contrary, for people "without one plea," there's nothing we can accomplish to make us worthy of the grace of salvation. Indeed, it's only by God's loving-kindness that people who have no anchor, no place to turn in the world are invited. So, there's no requirement to be saved. There are, however, manners befitting those who have been saved. The person who, even after having met Christ, keeps on living in all the same ways as before is a lot like someone who shows up to a wedding reception wearing grubby street clothes. Someone who takes such a cheeky attitude hasn't yet understood the joys that are prepared for us.





聖ルカ礼拝堂 夕の礼拝 2011年10月2日

神の心に大きな葛藤がある。 一方では、神はその民をトコトン愛している。他方では、神は裏切り者であるその民にひどくがっかりして、無念極まりない。




















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me and mr. st. james

As a hospital chaplain, I never know what I'm in for when someone calls to make an appointment.

Last week, I got a call from a woman I vaguely recalled having met once before. "I want to ask you about 19th century Evangelicalism in the Church of England."

Yeah, right, I thought, I've heard that one before (?). I made the appointment, figuring we would talk for a few minutes about Wilberforce and Spurgeon and then she would unload about her horrid recent diagnosis, or her shattered relationship with her boyfriend, or her grief having lost her mother, or her conviction that "They" were planting bugs in her bedroom.

But no. She wanted to talk about...19th century Evangelicalism in the Church of England. For a research paper on Jane Eyre. Jane's relationship with her Calvinist cousin, Mr. St. James.

Well, it's easily been 25 years since I read Jane Eyre. But we had a good time talking about Wilberforce and John Newton, the Continental Reformation and Puritanism, as well as John Henry Newman. We both shook our heads and tut-tutted at the grim doctrine of Total Depravity. I gave Calvin’s concern for the sovereignty of God its due five minutes and then went all Armenian on the subject of free will.

But as we were talking I realized something: Whatever their stripe, all those Evangelicals were tapping into some kind of huge energy source. Wilberforce’s tireless, decades-long campaign against slavery. Charles Spurgeon’s impassioned, prodigious preaching. A whole army of Christians setting out across the globe into hostile, unpleasant, sometimes lethal situations to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

They had all discovered some secret spiritual dynamo that gave them the courage, the endurance, the eagerness, the creativity to do all these things.

And I knew what that dynamo was: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.

The knowledge that God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Righteous and Holy Judge, would bother to notice, much less reach down and lift up...even one such as me.

Then it clicked. I may not be a five-point Calvinist*. But I am a forgiven sinner. And knowing that I am a sinner, and knowing I that I have nonetheless been forgiven extravagantly by a gracious God--yeah, that knowledge is for me a source of actual energy and encouragement, even in the daily grind of ministry.

* The five doctrinal points of Calvinism are represented by the acronym TULIP:
Total Depravity (the unaided will is incapable of doing good)
Unconditional Election (God doesn't look into the future and see our choices before electing us)
Limited Atonement (Christ's atoning work only extends to the elect)
Irresistible Grace (I'm just a sinner who cain't say no)
Perseverance of the Saints (once saved always saved)